Husband If you dreamed that your husband left you without knowing why, an argument will arise between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will take place. If your husband mistreated you and harshly reproached you for lack of loyalty, you will touch his care and confidence, but other troubles will be resolved . This dream warns you to be wiser and more conservative when accepting the admiration of other men . If you see your husband dead, you will be disappointed and sad. If you see him pale and anxious, the disease will take a heavy toll on you as one of the family members will remain bedridden for a period of time . If you see him cheerful and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and your signs of success will be bright . If he is ill in the dream, he will mistreat you and will betray you . If you dream that he has fallen in love with another woman, he will immediately abandon this environment and seek pleasure in other places . If you fall in love with another woman’s husband in your dreams, then this means that you are not happy in marriage and you are not happy without marriage, but the chances of happiness are suspicious . If a single girl dreams that she has a husband, then this means that she lacks the blessings that men admire . If you dreamed that your husband left you and while he was moving away he became larger, then the dissonant atmosphere of the environment will prevent rapid harmony . If the dead ends are avoided, harmony will return to what it was . If a woman dreams that she saw her husband in a suspicious situation with a party over whom there is no suspicion, this indicates that she will face a problem because of the folly of friends . If you dreamed that her husband was killed while he was with another woman, and his death was followed by a scandal, you will run the risk of separation from him or losing possessions . Unfavorable situations usually follow this dream, although evil is exaggerated at times ….

…But if she married woman a husband is not her husband in a dream : it enters them or benefit to the people of her home or her husband from a partner or shared born or assisted maker to serve him and his works ….

…It is rare that a woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said, O Messenger of God, I saw as if the pillar of the roof of my house had broken and said : Your husband is coming from traveling . Or as he said, then the woman went and kissed her husband, then after that she saw that and she came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, but she did not find him, so she came to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and told her the vision, your husband will die, and what is meant by this is that her first vision was her husband ) absent so he accepted and the second time her husband was present and the chapters Different ….

…Al-Kirmani said: If a woman sees that she is in the markets and streets without a dress, then it is the death of her husband, and if he stole and the thief was interpreting to a man, then he is a person who reaches her husband, and if it is attributed to a woman then her husband is afflicted by a permissible woman, and it was said that if the woman misses what she puts on her head Whoever wears a dress, a veil, a mask, or something like that, and she did not find him with her head and hair uncovered. That was a bad reputation, or a divorce from her husband, a calamity occurring for him, a bad occurrence for her, or a calamity that interfered with her from the side of her sister, mother, or uncle, and the like, and if not She has a husband, so what is passed on to the husband will return to her, and if the woman sees that she is wearing a man’s turban, then she gets married, and if she sees that she is drunk or is convinced of something unusual, then she will replace her husband with someone else, and it was said that a vision wears what women wear on their heads if the man wears something of it, then it is exposed because of a woman Between people ….

…Khimar is in a dream the woman’s husband . It is for a woman to cover her and adorn her . If a woman sees that she has a rainy robe on her head, or she has a rainy garment on her, then her enemies want to fly her away with vanity and vanity on the part of the husband . If the khimar is black and worn out, then her husband is poor and foolish . The accident with the khimar is the misfortune of the woman in her husband, and if she does not have a husband then it is harmful to her money or calamity in the values ​​of her brother or uncle . If a man sees that he is wearing a mask, then he befalls a servant nation . If a woman sees that she has put her veil off her head in a gathering of people, she will be plagued by something that takes away modesty . If she sees that her veil is gone, her husband leaves her, and if he returns to her, her husband will return . Khimar is the human religion ….

…Type I : Revelation abhorred They have the devil to do , and reciting self , which is called Bodgat dreams, which is due to the cunning of Satan and his deception and his hostility to humans . (1) An example of this kind is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Jabir may Allah be pleased with him from the Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that he told a Bedouin who came to him and said : I dreamed that my head was cut off, so we are following him, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, rebuked him and said : “ Do not tell that Satan is playing with you in a dream .” (2) In other Raaah Jaber said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him Tkd giving a speech , he said : to Aihdtn one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . ~ Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen said God ‘s mercy : The pipe dreams , it confused disorganized , and often that Tartuffe hated Satan Almighty said : ~ to pack those who Ouamno not Bdharhm nothing but God willing ~ ( argument : 10). (3) and this kind of visions he Adab six : first : to seek refuge with Allah from its evil , and this accusation is clear , Valastaazh legitimate all it is hated . second : to seek refuge with Allah from Satan . to talk : ~ if you saw a vision of hate Fletholh and spit on his left three times and ask God of goodness and seek refuge with Allah from the evil ~ narrated by Ibn Majah from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah marfoo and Narrated by Muslim , too . ~ (4) According to the novel in a Muslim from Jabir also : ~ Olistaz Allah from Satan ‘s three ~ came in a novel Muslim also : ~ Afilipsq left three times ~ that I will outline in : Third : to spit while paying attention from his sleep left three times . Any spit his left three times Besqa light ~ and the secret of this God knows ~ abomination to what he saw and contempt for the demon that I see that vision on the right is real , ~ singled out the left because it is the dirt , and triangulation in the previous novel Muslim confirmation ~ has responded with three words : Altfet be without saliva ~ and bagasse be with him saliva gentle . spitting and be with him saliva and most of bagasse . fourth : to change the side on which he was when he saw it , to his side with the second? the reason for this : optimistic about converting it and move perhaps there is another reason which edgewise place the devil , and so that vision turns from abomination to the beloved and moving from harmful to the good . fifth : not to mention it to one already , it has stated that a number of conversations correct them what Bukhari God ‘s mercy via Abu Sa’eed al – Radhi Ath with him and he said , ~ and reminds her of a it does not harm him ~(5). as provided us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor him ~ or on the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna what is appointed by them and what benefits him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – for now updated by , perhaps explained by the apparent harmed its image . And be a potential ~ falls estimation of God Almighty ~ and indicates that the hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man of a bird that had not crossed ~ If crossed signed ~, and talk good . (6) meaning : that vision if possible two – sided ~ crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that such a man lifting leg he is waiting for Matthew puts it . Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and so Taught us the Messenger of Allah that is not the lack thereof , but a mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly , but no doubt that it is restricted to whether the expression which tolerate vision , even on the face , and not an error purely , otherwise it is not the effect of him then , and I know God ~, has pointed out that the meaning of Imam Bukhari in the book expression of his Saheeh by saying : ( door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt ). evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ a poured some and missed some , ~ The Prophet peace be upon him did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be upon him is the second and the first to be approved, but it turned out wrong this . so do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ do not Tqsoa vision only scientist or mentor ~ in the novel :~ not only on Iqsa Wade, tightening signifier of an actor name friendliness . Narrated by Tirmidhi said Sheikh Albani : S His call is authentic according to the conditions of the two sheikhs, and the meaning of the previous hadith ~The vision is upon a man who is flying ~ means that it does not settle unless it crosses , as if it was on a flying man . ~ So it fell and fell where it crossed, just as the thing that is on the foot of the bird falls with the slightest movement, and this is a representative analogy. The fast flying bird has an object that falls with the slightest movement on its leg . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps and also provides us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor to him , or the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna What helps him and what is useful to him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – because the updated them , perhaps interpreted harmed on the visible image – and this is a potential , falls estimation of God , and shows that this hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man bird is not crossed , If crossed Signed , ~the hadith is good . Meaning : that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that what came from Abdul Razak said : vision lies on what crosses like Zllk like a man lifted his leg when he is waiting for places . (7) said Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and that taught us the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that is not the lack thereof , but the mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly ,, but which does not There is no doubt that this is restricted to whether the expression is something that the vision can endure even in a way , and is not a pure error , or it has no effect at that time and God knows best (8), and Imam Bukhari referred to this meaning in the book of expression from his Sahih by saying : ( Chapter of the one who did not see The vision of the first transient if not hurt ). Evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ A poured some and missed some ,~ and the Prophet peace be upon him , did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be His peace is the second and the first to be approved, but this turned out to be wrong . (9) Therefore, do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views : Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ Do not Tqsoa vision only to the world or mentor ~ (10) , in the novel : ~ Iqsa only on Wade and ~ tighten the signifier actor friendliness name , Tirmidhi narrated Shaykh al – Albaani : attributed correctly on the two sheikhs condition (11) , and the meaning of the former modern ~ vision of a man bird ~ it does not settle down unless express , It is as if it was on a flying leg, and it fell and fell where it crossed, as the thing that is on the man of the bird falls with the slightest movement. This is an analogy analogy, where the vision was likened to a fast-flying bird, and something was hung on its leg that fell with the slightest movement . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps in his Sunan in the book of Revelation bond Hassan Suleiman bin left Aisha , wife of the Prophet peace be upon him , said : A woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer, Tri was the vision of the more absent her husband, and rarely miss only left pregnant, comes the Messenger of All peace be upon him , says : My husband is a merchant came out Fterkny pregnant, and I saw as seen sleeping to force my house was broken and I was born a boy eyed , said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ~ good , because your husband On you, God Almighty wills, a righteous one, and give birth to a boy with righteousness . You see were two or Tuesdays all that comes the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , says that her , goes back her husband and give birth to a boy . . Came a day as it was Tonah , and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him absent , it has seen that vision , I said to her : uncle you will be questioned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , O nation of God? And she said : a vision I saw it came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ask him about , he says : ~ good , shall be said, and I said : Tell me what? She said : Even the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him come and him, Voardha him as you introduce . Said Aisha : I swear that I left even told me, I said : God , that charity your vision to Imutn your husband , and bring forth a boy Vajra !! I stayed crying and said : Mali yen offered you my vision ?? entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, crying said to her : ( doomed O Aisha ? ) So I told him the news and what was interpreted to her, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : “ What, O Aisha, if you cross over to the Muslim a vision, then pass it on for good, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses . ” Aisha said : So by God, her husband died, and I do not see her but she gave birth to a child who is a loner (12) . Conclusion that come out of this , that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity . so Jacob ‘s son Joseph forbade Iqss his vision to his brothers for fear of guile and envy him , stone son said : the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him That a vision occurs except for one who loves because he may interpret it to him in a way that he does not like, either with hatred or envy , it may fall from that quality , or hasten to Himself from that grieved and bothered , so he ordered to leave an update for those who do not like because of that . (13) VI : which asks when bad dream will also : prayer , and is indicated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him : ~ If he saw . SOLE what he hates , So let Vlaisal happen not by people .~ (14) and the wisdom of God and I know : that the prayer of every recourse is acting as slave fears that it is making about Almkarh . According to some scholars , it is a reading Seventh State of the chair but does not guide him, even if he read any of this chair in his prayers have achieved two things together, pray and read the state of the chair . And if he confines himself to doing some of what he mentioned, it will be sufficient to ward off its harm, God willing, as the hadiths stated . But it is better for him to do it all to combine the narrations . Ibn Qayyim said in Zaad : and when it did not harm him , but this vision Almkorhh drives evil . Al- Nawawi said : God made no mention of the reason for the safety impact of the Abomination vision also made charity and protection for money . . . And making supplication in it a response and payment of calamity and alms pay off the death of bad all this by the decree of God and ability . (15) _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi – a reference earlier – p . 5 . (2 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh , as explained in the nuclear (27 \ 15 ) • op .. (3 ) say useful book on monotheism – Explanation of Sheikh : Mohammed bin Saleh Almosaman c 2 (4 ) Narrated prizes in the book of Revelation expression 0 door saw a vision of hate – op – Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /17 ) – op •. (5 ) See the opening (12 /369 ) , the book of Revelation from the door of the expression of God – op . (6 ) Modern classed ruling and Sundh Hassan , was narrated by Abu Dawood in the book of literature , the door of what came in a vision – a previous reference – and Rawa Tirmidhi in the Book of Revelation the door of what came in the expression of vision – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of the expression of Revelation chapter of Revelation If passed and signed not Iqsa only on the valley – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the first datum civilians interview with Abu Razin Oqaili foundling Ben Amer Muntafiq – op ~ and narrated recaps in the book of Revelation chapter of Revelation does not fall unless they reflect 0 published Library scientific – Beirut . (7 ) see : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /432 ). (8 ) series of conversations correct , c 1, p . 28, i 2 , the information Office 1399 of . (9 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt , as in Fath al – Bari (12 /431 ), and Muslim in the book of Revelation , as in the nuclear explanation (15 /29 ), – Reference former -, and will come talk by stating in p 101 . (10 ) Narrated by Tirmidhi in the book of Revelation chapter in the interpretation of Revelation what is recommended and hates them – op – and directed recaps in the book of Revelation that the door of hatred vision reflects only the world Or mentor – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression crossed the door of vision if not signed Iqsa only on the valley – a previous reference . (11 ) correct chatter series – op (1 /26 ) .. (12 ) , the narrators of the drama in his Sunan – op – (2 /131 ). (13 ) expansion See : awn Reni – op – (1 /176 ). And Ibn Hajar – previous reference (631/12). (14 ) Narrated by Imam Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /21 ) – Weighted ex – Abu Dawood in the book of literature at the door of what came in a vision – op -, and prizes in the book of Revelation expression of the door of Revelation three – a reference earlier . And Ahmad included it in his Musnad in the rest of the Musnad of the many – a previous reference – and the Darami in the Book of the Revelation Chapter of the Vision Three – a previous reference – and al – Tirmidhi in the Book of the Revelation chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the scale and the bucket – previous reference -. (15 ) expansion See : Explanation of triplets of Imam Ahmed Saffarini (1 /177 ) – op – and explain Muslim – Nawawi (15 /18 ) – op – and Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah , achieving Shoaib Abdul Kader Aloriaaat , spread the message organization , Al – Manar Library Islamic , i 13, the date of 1406 of (2 /459 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

…** The vision is based on the first transient and from the vision that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, initiated twice or three times. It was signed according to his interpretation, then Aisha – may God be pleased with her – was assigned to it , in contrast to what the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, interpreted over him, so it signed according to Aisha’s interpretation – may God be pleased with her. it – this came as narrated by Suleiman son left Aisha wife of the Prophet peace be upon him – God bless them – said : a woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer different was you see a vision whenever missed by her husband and rarely miss only left pregnant comes the Messenger of Allah peace God be upon him, and she says : My husband went out as a merchant and left me pregnant, and I saw while the sleeper saw that my mast of my house was broken and that I gave birth to a blind boy, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : “The best of your husband is upon you, God Almighty wills is righteous and you give birth to a boy by righteousness. ” She used to see her two or three times all of that. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, comes and says that to her, so her husband returns and gives birth to a boy, and she came one day as she came to him, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was absent. She saw that vision and said to her : What do you ask the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, O nation of God? She said : A vision I was seeing, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came and asked him about it, and he said good, so it will be as he said . So I said : So tell me what it is? She said : Until the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, comes and I bite her to him as I was offering. By God, I did not leave her until she told me, so I said : By God, if you believed your vision, your husband would die and give birth to a boy, then she sat down and cried and said : My money is when I showed you my vision. Her : ( What is her, Aisha ) ? So I told him the news and what it was interpreted to her, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “ Ma Aisha, if you cross to the Muslim a vision, then cross it well, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses. ” So, by God, her husband died and I did not see her unless she gave birth to a bawdy son ….

…And the hair of the head : money and longevity, and the bridle differs according to the person who dreams, and if a person of goodness sees it on his head, then it is an increase, protection and prestige for him . And if a rich man sees it, then it is his money . A poor man saw it, it is his sins . Good head hair is honor and glory, and if he sees his hair frizzy and flat, then he is honored and honored . If he sees his curly hair a tribe, then he is humbled and becomes without what it was . And if a long tribe sees it scattered, then the money of its chief is dispersed, and if it is soft and soft, then it is an increase in the money of a chief and it was said whoever saw that he had long hair and was pleased with him, then he is praiseworthy, especially in women, for they use the hair of others in adornment . Ibn Sirin used to hate the whiteness of the hair for the young man, and gray hair says lack and worry if the hair is long . If he sees that, a poor person will meet with his poverty a debt, and perhaps imprisonment . The saw : he pluck Shaibah, it is contrary to the Sunnis and underestimates Balmchaakh, the young man saw the whites of his hair in the coming of it is absent it . It was said that gray hair in hermeneutics is an increase in dignity and religion . And it was said that it is the increase of Umar, because God Almighty said : ~ Then you shall be old .~ And it was said that whoever sees his head gray, he is born for it, because God Almighty says : ~And the head ignited a young man.~ It was narrated that Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf saw his head and beard turning white, and Abd al-Malik bin Marwan met with agony and distress, and he changed his affairs . As for the woman, if she sees all of his head graying, her vision indicates the immorality of her husband . If her husband is a good man, he is contrasting her with another wife . If not, then he will be afflicted with grief or sadness . As for a man’s wolf, it is Ibn Mubarak if he is married, and if he is celibate, then she is a beautiful slave girl who buys her according to the number of every she-male, and likewise for the woman, the son of a chief, and indicates the fertility of the Sunnah, and as for the blackness of a woman’s hair, it indicates two things : one of them is her husband’s love for her, and the second is his husband’s straightness . If a woman sees that she has uncovered her hair, then her husband is absent from her . If she saw that she had not removed her head, then her husband would not return to her . If she does not have a husband, then she has never been married, and if she sees that she feels thick and people see that from her, then she becomes clear about something ….

…If a sick woman saw that she had married an unknown husband, she would die, unless he was an unknown sheikh, and she would be discharged and would be well off if she examined him or described him as an old man ….

…And whoever sees that his wife has given him another husband or a woman, then he leaves her or quarrels with her ….

…The father of the husband or wife If you dreamed of the father of your wife, this indicates conflicts with friends or relatives . If you see him healthy and happy, then this foretells of pleasant family relations ….

…Hair is like head hair . In a dream he is money and longevity, so whoever sees his hair is long, his life will be longer . And if he sees that his tribe’s hair has become curly, then he should be humbled, and if it is the opposite, then the money of his ruler is dispersed . And it was said : A lot of poetry is his money, and if he is poor, then it is his debts . If he had curly hair in a dream, it indicates compensation with money, husbands, or clothes . And whoever sees his hair long, that is praiseworthy, especially among women . Braids are evidence of human debt . Removing mustache and armpit hair is evidence of debt relief, devotion and adherence to the Sunnah . And plaiting hair indicates mastery of things and saving money . And whoever sees his hair sprouted out of place, they will hit him . Shaving the hair at the time of Hajj indicates security . And it was said : Plucking hair indicates fulfillment of the religion of the seer . If the soldier sees that his hair is too long, his weapon will be increased . And whoever sees his hair as horse hair, he will be arrested if he is a thief . And whoever sees his hair become like pig hair, he will be hit by hardship . The abundance of poetry for the anxious is an increase in his concern, and the abundance of the delighted, an increase in his pleasure . The blackness of the woman’s hair indicates her husband’s love for her . If she saw that she revealed her hair, her husband would be absent from her . If she sees that she is still uncovered, then her husband will not return to her . If she does not have a husband, then she will never marry . And the length of the armpit hair is evidence of the need and the validity of the debt and generosity of the owner . If there are lice in it, it indicates the abundance of children . And whoever sees the hair of his head is lacking, it is they . And if he sees someone plucking his hair, then it is a misfortune in money, and whoever sees that he anointed his hair with oil, then this is his adornment . And whoever sees that he fades his head, he will see some of his faults . And whoever sees poetry sprouting in places where poetry does not grow, religion will abound for it . If hair grows in his palm, that is a benefit . And perhaps the hair of the head refers to the plantation, money, prestige, and the husband for a single woman, and the wife for a single man . Plaiting his hair indicates collecting money, and if lice are removed from his head, it means removing the corrupt from his land . Perhaps good hair indicated good deeds, and if a woman was curled up, she was sick and died . And the man felt his adornment, protection and lasting money . If he sees his body hair white and he is rich, he will lose his money . And if the woman sees that her hair is shiny and hot, then she is dispensing with her husband’s money ….

…Abu Sa’eed said the preacher one day a woman came to the crossing Ahwani she said to him : I saw as if my husband handed me Nrjdzisa and handed Dharta Asa said , and clings to divorce you Bdhartk heard the words of the poet : not for the Nargis era … but the Covenant to Las…

…Ibn Sirin said that if a woman saw that she had killed her husband, she would carry a sin on him and he was innocent ….

…As for the woman’s veil, her husband or her values ​​who conceal her, if he sees that her headscarf is wider, clapper and better than it is in it, then that is fine for the husband, and if she sees that her headscarf was taken from her and burned or gone from her, then her husband dies or divorces her. If some of it is burned, the husband will suffer harm and fear, and if she sees that she has put on her veil From her head in a gathering of people, so it is a matter of modesty that departs from her, and if she saw that she pursued without robes in the markets, then it is the death of her husband, and if a woman saw that she was wearing her head with an unusual veil, turban or something else, then she married a man, and if the man saw that his wife’s mask was on his head, then he would be exposed in his matter…

…It is in a dream a covering and a covering . And the pigmentation in the beard is evidence of hypocrisy and dishonesty . And the depressing of the one who is worthy of him is pretending to be blessings and forcing the enemies, and evidence of security from fear, and for those who do not fit him, evidence of distress and distress, debts and abandonment of loved ones . And the ruling on the pigmentation of the woman’s head is the same as the rule of pigmentation of the hair of the beard . And the darkening of gray hair is strength, brutality and prestige, and if he sees that he dyed it with henna, then it is Sunnah according to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace . If he shakes his head without his beard, it conceals his boss’s money . If he betrayed them all, then he conceals his poverty and asks for a face among the people . If before poetry the pigment, it is beautified with contentment and then is revealed . If he saw that he was dyed with henna, and before the pigmentation, then he is an ignorant man, but he repents and turns away from his error . And if a man sees that his fingers have been pigmented with henna, then he increases praise, and if he sees his palm being shaved, he will gain bliss in his livelihood, then he sees that his right hand has been cast, then he kills a man. From his money, or from his earnings . If he sees that his hands are engraved with henna, then he is trying a trick from the house due to necessity or lack of gain, and his enemy is insulted by it, and perhaps he is almost famous for his gaining of his hands, and he attains humiliation . If a woman sees that her hand is engraved, then she is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is true, and if the engraving is of gold, then it is a politely acquired trick . And if the inscription is of clay, then it is praise to God Almighty, and if she sees that she was doused with henna, then her husband is good to it, and if she sees that she has applied it and she does not accept the pigment, then her husband does not show her love . If she sees that her hands are engraved with each other, then she will be infected with her children . If a man’s hand is engraved with gold, he is deceiving, and his money or his livelihood is lost in it . If a woman sees that her hand is cast with gold, then she pays her money to her husband so that he can eat it and receive from her husband joy, strength and state . And whoever saw that his legs were shaved, and he had engraved them, then he would hit his family, and if a woman saw that, she would be injured by her husband . The piggy hand is a grim living . And whoever dies his hand in a carcass, he will attain sedition . And whoever sees his hands pigmented has overlooked the destruction of what is in his hand . And whoever sees a pigment in his hand with a taut rag, he is defeated in the quarrel and is incapable of his enemy . And pigmentation is a decoration and joy for women and men, unless they go beyond the ordinary . And depigmentation indicates concealing deeds and obedience, concealing poverty from people’s eyes, and perhaps indicating hypocrisy and hypocrisy if it is dyed in contrast to Muslims . And the feathers of the hands and the feet decorate his house, his slaves, and his money, in a way that is not appropriate for him to wear silk and gold for the children, and for women it is pleasure, good clothes and joy, because it is one of their adornment at wedding . And the hemoglobin may be located in the hands and feet, like the action of women. He was very afraid of his money or his companion, as far as hemoglobin . And whoever sees that it is dyed without henna, what he hates will happen to him . The blackening of the hair indicates the misfortune and corruption of business, because it is said : The first to be blackened is Pharaoh ….

…A woman’s veil : her husband, her and her chief’s concealment, his broadness, his compassion, his wealth, his whiteness, his religion and his prestige . If she sees that she has put her veil off her head among the people, her modesty is gone . The lesion in the khimar is misfortune for her husband if she is married, and for her wealth if she does not have a husband . If she sees her veil as worn out black, it indicates her husband’s foolishness and coercion, and if a woman sees her wearing a rainy veil, she indicates the deception of the woman’s enemies with her, and they reproach her image with her husband ….

…Jaafar al-Sadiq said: If she sees a crown on her head, if she does not have a husband, then she will marry, and if she has a husband, then she will prevail over many women, and if she sees that that crown was taken from her head, then her husband will marry her, and if the crown falls off her head, then her husband divorces her ….

…If he saw the moon gone, then the matter that he sought from good or evil has passed and passed away . If he sees it, then the matter is at its beginning . And whoever sees the full moon shining in its place in the sky, the king’s minister will benefit the people of that place . And whoever looks at the moon and sees an example of his face in it, he will die . And whoever saw it as if he was clinging to the moon, he would receive the Sultan well . And whoever sees as if the moon is darker and the seeker is king, his flock will harm him and deny his command . And whoever sees the moon becomes the sun, for the seeker will be afflicted with good, honor and money on the part of his mother or his wife . He who sees the moon agrees with the moon, and he indicates the travelers, the navigator, and the astrologer because of its moisture and movement, and because the astrologer knows what the moon needs . It was narrated that Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, saw in a dream as if a moon had risen from the earth to the sky with two strands, so he told it to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : That is your cousin, he means himself to him the best of prayer and the best greetings . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin while he was fed, and said : I saw as if the moon had entered the chandeliers, and a caller was calling out to come Ibn Sirin, so tell him your vision . Then he grabbed his hand from the food and said to her : Woe to you, how did you see? Then she returned to him, and he turned his color, and he rose while he was taking his stomach, and his sister said Malik? Then he said, I claimed that I was dead to seven days, so he died on the seventh . And a man saw as if he had looked at the sky and looked at the moon, but he did not see it, and he looked at the earth and saw the moon had faded . He recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If the person who had this vision was a man, then he had chemistry and gold, so his money would be lost, and if he was poor, he would fall into ruin . And if a woman saw that, her husband would be killed . And Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if the moon was in our house . He said : The Sultan descends in your Egypt . And the occultation of the moon in the veil runs in the course of the sun . Crescent : also denotes the king, the captive, the leader, the presenter, and the newborn emerging from the womb that begins with the screaming and the urgent news, the next conquest from the side from which it emerged, and the rebel and the outside if it rises from outside his place, or there is darkness with him, and it rains with blood or gutters that flow without rain . And upon the advent of the absent, and upon the rise of the muezzin over the minaret, 262 of the writers have reduced their men, and if it is a bride then the stars are her wives . Whoever sees two moons fighting in the sky with each one of them stars, that is a difference or a war between two kings or two ministers or two great men, and the absent one of them is defeated, it is evidenced by his side in the horizon and his place in the sky, so it is added to the king of that king on earth . Likewise, if he sees two planets fighting with stars that follow each one of them . If there are no stars with them, and he sees that in his character or in his house, and he has two wives or partners, the difference between them is by tongue or hand . And if a woman or a slave sees that, or if he sees them fighting over his head or falls, the husband or the master also fights over them with his brother or with an honorable man of his kind . This may indicate in the servant a quarrel that takes place between his seller and his buyer, and it may indicate in a woman an evil that is going on between her two sons or between her two daughters or between her father and her husband, or between her husband and her son…

…A wolf is in a dream the son of a male blessed for its bearer, and it is money for whoever sees it with his head . And the coyote is underway . A woman’s mourning if she has a long-term child, and if she sees that she is very hairy, then she is doing a job that she is famous for, and if people see her, then it is a scandal for her companion, and the blackness of her hair is the condition of her husband and her position is with him . If the woman sees that she has bare the head, then her husband is absent and he will not return to her . If she does not have a husband, then she will never marry . And if she sees her hair shining so hot, she can take advantage of her husband’s money ….

…Anklets is in a dream a son . And whoever thinks that he has gold in it, then he gets sick, or he has a mistake in his religion, and if the anklets are on the woman, then she is safe from fear, and if she is without a husband she marries a generous and generous husband, she will see good from him . And whoever sees that he has an anklet of gold or silver, he will be hit by them, grief, imprisonment, or restraint . And it is said : the two men have their chains . Nothing of jewelery is suitable for a man in a dream, except for the necklace, necklace, ring and earring . And what a woman saw in her anklets of goodness or corruption, the interpretation of that is in her husband, and if she does not have a husband, then her adornment among people is as much as the beauty of the anklets and their appearance . And the anklet in a dream is elevation, breadth, glory, and beauty ….

…If he sees that he has twisted a thread and puts it in the neck of a person and pulls or pulls it, then he calls for corruption, and likewise if he sees that he has slaughtered a camel with a thread . As for the intricate strings, they indicate magic . And whoever sees that he is twisting a rope or string or twisting it on himself or on a reed or a stick or other things, then it is a journey in any case . If he sees that he is spinning wool, hair, or goat, which men spin like him, then he will have good in his travel . If he sees that he is spinning cotton, linen or silk, and in that he is imitating women, then he attains that and does a lawful work that is not recommended for men, so if a woman sees that she is spinning something from that, then if he is absent from her, then he is presented from a journey . If she saw that she had hit a spindle, if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a slave girl, otherwise she would hit a sister, and if there was in the spindle her daughter or sister got married, then if the spindle wire was cut off, the traveler stayed on her, and if she saw her headscarf removed from her or all of it, then her husband would die or divorce her . Some of it is burned . The husband was hurt and feared Sultan . Likewise, if she saw her spine fell from her spindle, her daughter divorced her or her sister . If her veil was stolen from her, and the khimar is attributed in interpretation to a man or a woman, then a person assassinates her husband in himself, his money, or some of his family . If the thief is attributed to a woman, then her husband strikes another woman, whether permissible or forbidden, and likewise the course of falaka 0…

…If a woman sees that her hair is shaved off, her husband takes it off, or she dies . If she saw that her husband shaved her head, or cut her hair in the Haram, then her vision indicated the fulfillment of her religion and the performance of her trust . And if she saw that her husband shaved her head outside the sanctuary, her vision indicated that he was locking her in his house, because the bird would remain in its nest if it cut off its wing . And it was said that shaving her, indicates the breach of her veil . And if she saw that a person called her to cut her hair, then he invites her husband to other women secretly from her, and between her and that person there is enmity and distress . And it was said that he who saw the coyotes of a severed woman, that she never gives birth to a child ….

…The crown The crown in a dream denotes knowledge, the Qur’an, and the king . Perhaps wearing it indicated the renewal of the country, or the coercion of the enemy . If a woman sees the crown on her head, she will marry a thin, rich or powerful man . And if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy . And if a man sees a crown on his head, then he will gain foreign power, and if something that fixes him enters the peace of his religion, otherwise there is something in it that spoils, because wearing gold is disliked in Sharia for men . The crown may be a wife, who is high in power, rich and affluent . And whoever saw that and was a prisoner in the Sultan’s prison, he would go out and honor his command just as the command of Joseph, peace be upon him, was with the king, unless he had an absent child, then he would not die until he saw him and he would be his crown . The crown studded with substance is better than a gilded crown alone . And the crown is the king of the Persians or Sultan . And if a woman saw that on her head was a crown of gold, studded with jewels, and if she had ever married a man who had worldly and wealth, and was only worthy, little sickness was foreign, if he was of gold only then he was the husband of an elderly sheikh, and if she had a husband then she would give birth to a son who would dominate the people of his household . If Sultan sees that he wore a gold crown and then disbelieved or prostituted, then his sight is lost . If he wears a crown of gold and essence, he will gain foreign authority and lose his religion . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has a crown on his head and is qualified for that, then the leadership he attains over his people . If a woman sees that her crown has been kidnapped and her husband is sick, then her husband is dying ….

…The stranglehold : for men the strangler, and the woman has an adornment and a son from a substantial husband, and if it is from zero, then it is from a non-mahram husband, and if it is of beads, then it is from a vile husband, and if it is detailed of essence, pearls and peridot, then she marries a thin husband and gives birth to two daughters from him and finds her in him ….

…Seeing marriage . As for marriage, whoever sees that he married a woman and has a wife, he will have authority and is as good as the woman’s beauty if he inspects her or knows her, and if he did not know her and did not inspect her or was named to him while she was unknown, this indicates his death or the death of a person at his hands, as well as if he saw a groom and did not see his wife or He knew her and whoever saw that he married the wife of his sheikh or his brother, then he would do much good, and likewise the woman would see her marriage of this kind. If he does not enter it or deceive her, and if he is victorious in that matter, it is not fixed, and some of them said seeing marriage indicates wealth and affliction with wealth and whoever saw that a woman married another husband, it is in three ways if she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter or She is seeking to marry her or to fall between her and her husband, and whoever sees that he married a woman and deceived her, it indicates honor and the acquisition of property that he did not own, and if a woman sees that she is married heading to a husband while she is adorned and what she has reached, then it indicates that there is a benefit and pleasure for her as much as her adornment to her husband and her deceit. It indicates a benefit and pleasure for her b The extent of its adornment and whoever sees that he married something of an animal indicates that he is marrying a woman who is related to that animal…

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that he shaved his head during the days of Hajj, then it is goodness in religion and an expiation for sins, and if it is during the sacred months or some of them, then it is the fulfillment of a debt and the disappearance of their distress and distress, and it was said that if he saw that with a position then it is not a praiseworthy, and if the woman sees that, then it indicates death Her husband or one of her mahrams, and if she sees that her hair has been cut off or some of it, then it indicates a quarrel with her husband and it was said that a calamity has occurred, and if she sees that all of her hair has become white, then it indicates that her husband is an immoral man in a manner other than that ….

…And Jaafar al-Sadiq said that the mask is interpreted in four ways: for a man is a woman, for a woman is a husband, a maid, a servant, and a benefit from the side of the women. It is a scandal, and if she sees that she sought without a veil, then it indicates the killing of her husband or someone among her family who is dear to her, and perhaps her husband was struck by a forbidden woman ….

…The commentators said : If the tree indicates the work of its owner and his religion and himself, then its paper indicates his character, beauty and clothing, and its people to his lineage, brothers and beliefs . Her heart indicates his secrets and what he conceals from his deeds, its peel indicates his appearance, his skin and all that adorns him of his works, and its water indicates his faith, piety, kingdom and life for every human being to his destiny, and perhaps they arranged it contrary to this arrangement, and I mentioned him in the seas . Whoever sees himself above a tree or its possession in a dream, or this is seen by him, I look at his condition and the state of his tree, and if he is dead in the House of Truth, I look at the characteristic of the tree, and if the tree is large, beautiful and good, then the dead in Paradise and perhaps it is a tree of blessedness and goodness And if it is an ugly tree with thorns, blackness and stink, then it is in torment, and perhaps it is the Zaqqum tree that has become to it because of his disbelief or because of the corruption of his taste, and if he sees that patient, he moves to one of the two matters according to his destiny and the extent of his tree. A marriage seeker, or a woman for a husband, one of whom obtained a husband according to the condition of the tree and its appearance, if it was unknown, or on a print about its character, lineage and essence if it was known, and if the husband of each of them in waking life was ill, then I looked at the time at that time. That tree that he owned or saw himself on top of it at the turn of time, water has flowed in it, so the patient is peace, health has progressed in his body and signs of life have appeared on his body, and if he is in his management, then the patient is going to God Almighty and he is going to dust and destruction . And if he saw it in his shop or his living place, then it is an indication of his earnings and livelihood, and if it was in his demand, then he benefited . Although in his management, he lost and became poor . And if he sees it in a mosque, it is an indication of his religion and his prayers . If it is in the management of time, then he is oblivious to his religion, he is not from his prayers, and if it is in his desire, then the man is righteous and diligent, his workers have completed his obedience . As for the one who owns a lot of trees, he follows a group of guardians who are worthy of him, either an emirate, a district, a fatwa, or a leader of a mihrab, or a leader on his companionship, a captain on a ship, or a shop in a maker under his hand, and on this and the like . As for whoever sees her group in a house, it is men or women, or both of them meet there for good or evil, and if he sees its fruits on it and people eat from it, if its fruits indicate good and livelihood then it is a feast and those dining tables are in it, and if its fruits are disliked indicates grief, then it is a funeral They eat food in it, and likewise if there is a sick person in the house, and if its fruit is unknown, then I looked, and if that was in the coming of trees, its food was in joy, and if it was in its management it was a calamity, especially if there were clues in waking one of the two matters . As for whoever sees a tree that has fallen, cut down, burned, or broken by a strong wind, then he is a man or woman who will perish or be killed, and the destruction is inferred by her essence or location and by her vigilance from her evidence, and if she is in his home, the cause of it is a man or woman who is the dead or from his household And his kinship and brothers, or a prisoner of blood, a mujahid, or a traveler, and if she is in the mosque, then he is a famous man or woman who is killed or dies a famous death . If it is a palm tree, then he is a man of high masculinity with authority or knowledge, or a woman of a king, or the mother of a ruler, and if it is an olive tree, then a scholar, a preacher, a transient, a ruler, or a doctor, then in this way he crosses the rest of the trees according to the extent of their essence, benefit, harm, lineage, and character . And whoever saw that he planted a tree that was hung, he struck an honor or thought for himself a man according to its essence, because people say : So, if he planted it, if he made it . Likewise, if he sows a seed, then he hangs or does not, then it is they, and planting the vineyard will gain honor, and it was said that someone who saw in the winter a pregnant vine or a tree is considered a woman or a man whose money has gone, or he thinks they are rich ….

…As for the fingers : a brother was born, according to what was said that the hand is a brother . And intertwine it without a tight hand . And engaging in the work of the household and the sons of the brothers, with a matter that they feared for themselves, and they pretended to pay it and its sufficiency . And it was said that the fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, the thumb is the Fajr prayer, the forefinger is the noon prayer, the middle finger is the afternoon prayer, the ring finger is the sunset prayer, the pinky is the dark prayer, and its shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in it, and its length indicates his preserving the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning That prayer . And whoever sees one of the fingers in the place of the other, he will pray that prayer at the time of the other . If he saw as if he was biting a human being, he indicates the bad manners of the bitten person, and the exaggeration of the bite in his discipline . If he sees milk coming out of his thumb, and blood from his index finger, while he is drinking from them, he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates ugly words between his relatives . If the imam saw an increase in his fingers, that was an increase in his greed, his decency, and his lack of fairness . And it was narrated that Harun al-Rashid saw the angel of death, peace be upon him, had represented him, so he said to him : O king of death, how long have I left? He pointed to him with five fingers spread out from his palm, so he watched in horror, weeping at his visions, and he narrated them on a size that is described by the expression. He said : O Commander of the Faithful , he told you that five things he knew with God, which this verse brings together : “ God has the knowledge of the hour . ” The verse . Aaron and Farah laughed . The fingers of the left hand are the children of a brother and sister, and the nails are the ability of a man in this world, and the white of the nails indicates the speed of memorization and understanding, and seeing the nails in the amount of saladin and the world . And the treatment by it is evidence of fraud in collecting the world, its length with its goodness, money and clothing, and the preparation of an enemy weapon, or an argument or money, in order to avoid their evil . And its length, such that it is afraid of its breakage, is evidence of someone else taking charge of spoiling something in his hand, because he is overusing his ability . He pays zakat al-fitr, and if he sees it as though an old man has ordered his pen, then if he finds it, he orders him to make the commitment of himself and uphold his honor . Dyeing a man’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of armament, and dying a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her . If he saw as if he had made her fall, she did not accept the pigmentation, then her husband did not show her love . If the man saw his palm faded by a monster, he would have toil in his pension, and if his right hand was pigmented by a monster, his visions indicated that he was killing a man . If he sees that his hands are dyed with henna, then he shows what is in his hand of good or evil, or of his money or of his earnings or his industry . If he sees his hands engraved with henna, he is trying a trick from the house, to spend some of the house furniture at his expense due to his lack of earnings, and his enemy insults him, and he gets humiliation . If a woman sees her hand engraved, he is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is right . If the inscription was clay, it indicated a large number of praise . If she saw the engravings of her hands mixed together, she would have injured her children . If she sees that her hand is cast with gold or engraved with it, then she pays her money to her husband or gives her joy from him, and if a man sees that he has been impregnated or engraved with gold, then he is deceiving a trick in which his money or his livelihood will go . The armpit hair : the length of proof of the need for Neil, the verse : ~ and Admm your hand to your wing white out of non – poor ~ and shows the religion of the owner and generosity . If he sees a lot of armpit hair, then he is a man who asks his executioner to collect money in knowledge, guardianship, trade and so on, and he does not return to the woman and religion . If there is much less, it indicates the large number of children ….