
Love If you dream that you love anything, this indicates the conviction of your current environment . If you dream that the love of others fills you with happy tidings, then successful things will give you reassurance and free you from the anxious worries of life . If you dream that your love has ended in failure or was only on your part, then you will become overwhelmed by a conflicting question that rises in your imagination and makes you wonder whether it is better to change your way of life or get married and trust luck with regard to the progress of your situation in the future . If a husband or wife dreams that his partner loves him, this foretells of overwhelming happiness at home, and the bright children will contribute to adding happiness to the atmosphere of the house . If you dream about the love of parents, then this predicts integrity in character and continuous progress towards luck and promotion . Love of animals indicates a belief in what they have, even if you do not believe it . And luck will crown you for a while . Ink If you see ink staining someone’s clothes, several small uneven sparks will strike you because of envy . If a girl sees ink, a competition will tarnish her reputation . If you dreamed of having ink on your fingers, then you will be jealous and seek to harm someone unless you correct it . If it is red ink, you will be in serious trouble . If you dream that you are making ink, then you will be engrossed in a decadent work that does not sing from hunger, and you will descend towards bad companions . If you see ink bottles in your dreams, this indicates enemies and failed projects .