Whoever sees it as if he has finished and fulfilled the prayer, he will receive from God great favor and sustenance ….

…Holiday If you dream of a vacation, this foretells that pleasant strangers will eat and drink in your hospitality . If a girl dreamed that she was upset about a vacation, then this means that she will fear that her charms will not succeed in taking back a friend from her competition ….

…Rain : indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief, and help, knowledge, the Qur’an, and wisdom, because water is the life of creation and the goodness of the earth, and with its loss the destruction of people and cattle and the corruption of the matter on land and the sea, so how about if its water is milk, honey, or fat . It indicates fertility, prosperity, cheap prices and wealth . Because he is the reason for all of this, and he appears, and how, if it is wheat, barley, oil, dates, raisins, or dust without dust, and so on, which indicates money and livelihood, and it may indicate the needs coming down from the sky such as locusts, hail or wind, especially if it is in it Fire or its water was hot, because God, glory be to Him, expressed in His book what He had revealed to the nations of His torment with rain, such as the Almighty saying : “And we rained on them, so the rain of the warning ones .” And perhaps indicated by sedition and blood being shed, especially if its water was blood . And perhaps the ills and illnesses are indicated by smallpox and the drawing, if it is not at its time and while it is harmful to its cold and its good point, and everything that harms the earth and its vegetation from it is harmful to the bodies who were also created from it and grew in it, so what if the rain was especially in an unknown house, village or locality, and perhaps it indicated On the affliction and torment of the Sultan, such as adversaries and orders, especially if it was raining with lives, and so on . Among the evidence of torment, and perhaps evidence of medicine, reason, prevention, and vacation for travelers, craftsmen, and everyone who works under open air, because God Almighty says : ~ If there is harm in you from rain .~ Whoever saw a public rain in the country, if the people were in poor fertility, their price was cheap, either with rain as he saw it, or for its kindness, or ships that offered food . And if they were in oppression, torment and sickness, then let that go away from them if the rain was beneficial at that time, and if it was harmful or there was a stone or fire in it, multiplying what they are in, and the frequency with them according to the strength and weakness of the rain . If it was spraying, then the matter is light in evidence . And whoever sees himself in the rain or trapped under a roof or a wall, then he orders harm through speech and harm . And either he struck as much as the rain hit him, or he was hit by a drainer if he was sick, or that was his time, or the place was his place . As for what is forbidden under the wall, either he is absent from his work or from his travel or because of his illness or the cause of his poverty, or he is imprisoned in prison according to what is inferred in each aspect of it in the place in which he saw himself, and with an increase in his vision, and what is in his wakefulness, unless he has washed In the rain from impurity, or purification from it for prayer, or washing his face with its water, so his eyesight is correct, or he was washed with impurity that was on his body or his clothes, if he was an infidel, he became Muslim, and if he was an innovator or a sinner he repented, and if he was poor, God enriched him, and if he hoped A need with the Sultan or someone like him succeeded him, and he allowed him what he might need . And every kind is desirable for his kind, for he is praiseworthy, and every kind who hates his kind is hated . And Ibn Sirin said : There is no relief in the book of God Almighty if the name of rain comes, it is cloudiness, as the Almighty said : “And we rained on them with rain .” And he said : ~ And we showered stones on them .~ If it is not named Faraj rain the general public, for the verse : ~ and we went down from heaven , blessed water ~ , and said some of them : rain shows a convoy of camels, and the caravan camels show rain . And the general rain is absurd, and if he sees that the sky has rained swords, then people are afflicted with arguments and quarrels, and if it rains watermelons, they get sick, and if it rains without clouds, then he does not deny that, because the rain descends from the sky . And it was said that he was a relief from a place where there is no hope, and a livelihood from a place that does not count . The word rain and water falling and the like, is more correct in interpretation than the word rain ….

…Thunder : It may be indicative of the Sultan’s feast, threatening and threatening him, and from it it is said that it thunders and shines . Perhaps he indicated good promises and short orders, because he commands the King of the Clouds to rise and be generous to whomever they were sent to . Thunder also indicates the drums of crawling and rebirth, clouds on soldiers, lightning on arrowheads and colorful published items and flags, rain on spilling blood, and thunderbolts over death . Whoever sees thunder in the sky, they are commands that come from the Sultan, and if he sees that from his goodness in the rain and the people are in need of him, this indicates the rain or the promises of the good Sultan, and he may point to the two faces and preach the two things, even if the person with the vision is someone who will be harmed by the rain, such as the traveler, the minors and the washing And building and harvesting, and whoever runs their course, either rain harms him and does it and spoils what he has done, and they have authorized it before its dawn, so that they warn to take the gift and prepare for the rain, and either the Sultan’s orders, or a felony for that is harmful . How about if the rain at that time was as harmful as summer rain ? And if he sees thunder with lightning, then the significance of the promise is confirmed in what he indicates . And if the sun was prominent at that and there was no rain, then drumming and items coming out from the Sultan to open it came to him, and the good news was presented to him, or to lead the contract of some of his rulers, or to send him out or receive it from some of his pimps . And if there is rain, darkness, and thunderbolts, then either plagues from the sky, such as hail, wind, locusts, and bear, or plague and death, or strife or war if the country is a country of war, or people expect that from an enemy . Some of them said : Thunder without rain of fear. If he sees thunder, then he will pay off a debt, and if he is sick, he is innocent, and if he is imprisoned, he will be released . As for the thunder, lightning and rain, it is an honor for the traveler and greed for the resident . Thunder was the owner of a great police force . Some of them said : Thunder without lightning indicates assassination, deception, falsehood and lies, because it expects thunder after lightning . It was said the sound of thunder indicates quarrel and controversy . Lightning : denotes fear of the ruler, his threat and his promise, the blade of blades and the striking of the whips, and perhaps the authority indicated against that, the good promise, the laughter, the pleasure, the desire and the greed of desire and hope, because of what he has of torment, torment and stone, mercy and rain, Because from what the people of the news describe, the king of the clouds who is entrusted with her whip, and his voice thunder over it with the words of the Almighty : “The lightning shows you with fear and greed .” It was said out of fear of the traveler and greed for the resident, the farmer, because of the rain that would be with him . Whenever lightning indicates it, it is fast and urgent, due to the speed of its departure and the lack of its transmission . Whoever sees lightning without people, or sees its lights striking him or snatching his eyes, or entering his home, if he is traveling, he will be in a vacation, either by rain or by the command of a ruler, and if he is a farmer whose land has dried up and the thirst of planting it, he will preach to chastity and mercy, and if his master, father, or authority is indignant with him. , And laughed at him . And poets likened laughing to lightning, and crying with rain, because laughter among the Arabs is the display of hidden things and the appearance of concealments, so they are called pollens if they heal at the eyelid as laughter, and if there is rain with it, it indicates the ugliness of what appears to him than what he cries on, then it is either lightning . Words weeping, or a whip that cries him, and the rain will be his blood or a sword that takes his soul . And if he is sick, his eyesight shines and his eyes are tearful, and his family wept and said his persistence and the hastening of his death quickly, and whoever sees that he ate the lightning or struck it or its clouds, then a person urges him to do something righteous and good . And lightning indicates fear with benefit . And it was said lightning indicates the benefit from a far place . And whoever saw lightning burned his clothes, his wife would die if she was sick ….

…Mosques : The mosque denotes the Hereafter because it is sought in it, just as the garbage dump indicates the world, and it indicates the Kaaba because it is the house of God, and it indicates the places that combine wind, benefit, reward and help, such as the house of the ruler, the circle of remembrance, the season, the ribat, the field of war, and the market because it is the market for the hereafter . Then every mosque indicates its manner in its size, fame and essence . Whoever builds a mosque in a dream, and if he is worthy of the judiciary, he will obtain it, and likewise if it is a subject of the fatwa and he may indicate in the world a useful work of classification, and in the papers to a Qur’an he writes, and in the bachelors on marriage and marriage, and for the students of money and the world on a building that he builds on which the yields and the benefits of which last. Such as the bathroom, the hotel, the store, the oven, the ship, and the like, because of the current reward in the mosque with the abundance of profits in it in congregational prayer, and people come to it from every side, and enter it without permission . And whoever in his awakening influenced the world and its money, or was influencing its afterlife on its urgency, the winning proverbs returned to the profits and benefits in this world for him, or to the hereafter and the reward in the future which is his demand in his awakening . As for the one who demolishes a mosque, he is going against the one who built it, and he may infer the vulgarity of his situation by the one who builds it in its place or makes it happen in its place after demolishing it, so if he builds a store he favors the world over the Hereafter, and if he builds a bath, his debt is corrupted because of a woman, and if he digs a hole in its place, he is sinning Whoever is a compulsive deceit, or for the sake of a group that separated him from knowledge, goodness and deeds, or for the sake of a ruler who dismissed him, or a righteous man who killed him, or a place in which he had a vacation or a contract marriage, he corrupted and invalidated him . And if he sees himself stripped of clothes in a mosque, he will be stripped of what is appropriate for him from the signs of the mosque, and if that is during the days of Hajj, then he will perform Hajj, God willing, especially if he is giving the call to prayer, and if he is guilty, he goes out of what he is in to repentance and obedience, and if he prays in it on the basis of repentance and obedience. A situation other than the direction of the direction of prayer in the face of the storm, because he is devoted to seeking the world in a market of markets and a season of seasons, in which he is deprived of what he hoped for, and in it he loses everything that he bought and sold, due to the corruption of his prayer and the loss of his labor . This may indicate the corruption of what is included in his negligence of the forbidden and usury if it is met by it .. As for the Sacred Mosque, it indicates the pilgrimage to those who deny it or give permission, even if that is not in the days of Hajj with its essence in that and its evidence, because the Kaaba that the pilgrimage is in it . It may denote the forbidden house of the Sultan who wants it from whose income he is safe, the house of the world, the mosque of Medina, and the great market of great and forbidden affairs, such as the exchange market and the goldsmiths because of the large number of inquiries that are required in it and what enters into its people of forbidden, shortage and sin, as well as all the forbidden by what is human in it The guardian is required to avoid doing forbidden things, from trespassing on animals, and from causing harm ….

…It is in the aspects of pilgrimage, jihad, benefit, humiliation, war, strife, test, livelihood, command and vacation ….