
Scarf If you dreamed that you saw a scarf falling from someone’s dress, this foretells the validity of consent with pleasant friends, and your worries will not scare you much either . If a girl dreams that she is wearing a scarf, this foretells that she will soon receive a good marriage proposal, but her reckless behavior will make her fall into error . If she dreamed of other girls wearing scarves, she would face competition in her rush to secure a husband . If you buy a scarf, you will live a simple and carefree life . If you dream that she is upset or upset by a scarf, then you will find that another woman is socially competing with her for her joys, pleasures, and features . If you dreamed that you wore a scarf, this indicates that you will try to regain the love and affection of a deceitful and insolent person . If a girl buys a scarf, she will be loyal in her relationship with her husband and earn his respect with her gentle, gentle and frank demeanor .