Nadera Harun Al-Rashid

Rare said Abdullah bin Malik Al-Khuzaie, I was a policeman at Harun al-Rashid, so his messenger came to me at night (a time when he never came to me, so he took me out of my bed and prevented me from changing my clothes, so he took care of that. When I got to the house, he authorized me to enter, and I entered and found him sitting in his bed, so I greeted him for an hour, and my mind flew and multiplied. He was terrified about me, then he said, O Abdullah, do you know why I asked you at this time? I said no, Commander of the Faithful. He said, I saw. He said: I saw the hour in my sleep as if a Habashian slave had come to me with a spear. He said: If I left Musa bin Jafar for the hour, or else we will slay you with this spear, go away, so I said : Oh The Commander of the Faithful released Musa bin Jaafar and returned him three times until he said, “Time the hour until you let him go, give him thirty thousand dirhams, and tell him if you love the place before us and you have what you like, and if you like to walk to Medina, then the permission is for you.” Malik said that I came to prison and took him out and gave him what the Commander of the Faithful ordered And I told him, I saw a wonder about your matter. He said, I am telling you that I was between the sleeper and the awake, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came, O Moses, you locked up an oppressed person. Say these words. You do not sleep this night in prison. So I said to my father and mother what I say, and he said, “Hear every sound and who has passed O flesh-bone cassis Disgrace it after death. I ask you by your beautiful names and in your greatest and greatest name, the storeroom which no one of the creatures has ever seen, O sweet, patient, most merciful to the one who is not able to patience, O he who is known, who is never cut off and does not count the number of people who were released from me, and it was as you saw .