Conclusion book signs in the science of phrases

And I concluded this book with the benefit of its legitimacy and useful in the vision, which is what was narrated on the authority of Abd al-‘Ala ibn al-Najm, who said a night in the days of Harish and Ibn Khalaf al-Ma’afari in Egypt and it was a Friday night. he says that the Koran is the word of God when the creature UIT to my bed and I saw a phone has grown came to me and said , then he said to me so I did say I said and what I say say said in verse : ( Glory be to lift the sky … without Imad to consider ) ( the creation of said by creating ful … He saw that he did not disbelieve . ( But the words of a house … from the creators of mankind ) and he said to me, write it. Then I extended my hand to one of my books and wrote it in it. When I woke up, I found it written in the book, and God knows the right and there is no strength or power except in God Almighty and God bless our master Muhammad and his family And his companions, praise be to God alone . The book was completed, praise and gratitude be to God )