the Fox

A fox is in a dream an enemy of a fighter, a liar, an elusive offense in his treatment, and whoever kills it or touches it will be frightened by the jinn . If he ate his flesh or asked him to fight him, he would be hit . And they said : He is an enemy of the Sultan . Whoever sees that he took a fox, then he becomes his opponent, and if he slaughters it, it is good for him out of debt . If a fox plays a fox, he hits a woman he loves and loves, and God Almighty has appointed him . And the fox is explained by astrologers, doctors, and people of meditation and malice . And whoever sees as if he killed a fox, he will obtain a dear, honorable woman . And whoever sees a fox, he sees an honorable man or a dear honorable woman, or a man who is deceived for him flatteres him . And the fox denotes an unknown enemy, who is very cunning, and does his work at the time, and indicates deceitful women . And whoever sees that he is eluding a fox, then he is a man like a poet’s liar, and likewise he who sees that he reward the fox is the best reward . And whoever sees what is between the east and the west that is filled with foxes, magic or tricks will abound at that time . And whoever sees that he is fighting a fox or treating him, he is quarreling with a relative . And whoever sees that he is craving a fox, he will become in pain . And whoever sees that the fox touches him, he will be dreaded by the jinn and humans . And whoever sees that a fox escapes from him, he has an enemy to elude him . And whoever sees that he has hit something from the skin of a fox, that is his strength and a nail . It may be an inheritance from a woman . And whoever drank from fox milk was cured if he was sick, otherwise they would be gone . And it was said : Whoever sees a fox, he will be stunned in himself, and there is a decrease in his money . And seeing a fox denotes interest, clothing, wife and marriage for single people .