
It is in a dream joy and amusement . Whoever sees that it is sealed with rubies, then he has an ornament . And if he saw that he took a sapphire clove and wanted to marry, he would marry a beautiful, beautiful woman of religion, because God Almighty said : (As if they are rubies and coral ). And whoever finds a sapphire clove, it becomes money from non-Arabs . And a lot of rubies for the world is a science, the governor has a state, and the merchant has a trade . It was said : Sapphire is a tough friend . And whoever has a wreath of ruby ​​and coral, this is treasured and strengthened by a woman . Perhaps sapphire for the poor was food to get to them, and perhaps it was the Qur’an, and the sick person might have escaped from the fire, because fire does not work in sapphire . And whoever sees in his hand a ruby ​​clove, a beautiful, hard-hearted woman loves it . And whoever sees in his hand a lob that looks like a sapphire and not a ruby, then he claims honor and not a honorable one .