the drink

Every yellow drink in a dream is a disease . If he drinks a drink while he hates it and does not give it to him, then he makes a minor illness and then is cured . And if a person sees that he is drinking honey, apple, or ace syrup, then for the rich there is good and for the poor bad . And cider benefit . And whoever drank in a dream a drink for a cause, indicates its disappearance, if it was present, otherwise his drinking indicates the occurrence of that illness . A laxative drink is a sign of generosity or showing secrets . And what calms the headache of drinks indicates kindness to the enemies, and the payment of opponents with good politics . And what appears color indicates joys, delights and goodness . And the drink of roses and juleps indicates a lack of confidence in those who promise . And whoever drank an unknown drink in a dream indicates increased certainty and fulfillment of vows, especially if it was a fragrant drink, and if it was a foul-smelling drink, it indicated the unbelief of blessings and apostasy from religion . If he sees that the dead is giving the living a delicious and fragrant drink, then he enjoins him to do what is good and forbids him from evil, and indicates that the dead is in heaven . Perhaps the unknown drink refers to the drink of the people of truth and the people of care . Perhaps a drink with a cup indicates drinking a cup of Manun .