
Marriage in a dream indicates the care of God Almighty . Perhaps marriage indicates families, religion, worry and distress . If a person marries an unknown woman, this indicates that the term is near, and the journey from home to home, and if he is fit for the emirate, he will assume or obtain a position befitting him . If it is a wedding according to custom, then it is a position or a good reputation . Marriage is defined as a craft, so whoever sees that he married a woman then she dies, then he works in a profession from which he only gets work, trouble and worry . And whoever thinks that he has married a Jewish woman, he is pursuing a trade in which he will gain a sin and commit sins . And whoever thinks that he has married a Christian woman, he is pursuing a trade in which it is false . If she is a Magian, then it is a craft without a religion . He who marries a prostitute is an adulterer . Whoever marries a healthy wife is bound by a heavy restriction . And whoever marries a dog, he has a low order . And whoever sees a person marries a woman and passes it on to him, he will receive money . And whoever sees his wife marries a man with the Sultan’s wife, he will be given a king if he is qualified for that, otherwise he will assume the mandate . And whoever marries a dead woman will gain access to a dead matter, he may give up . If the sick woman gets married, and whoever sees the husband and does not know him, then she dies. Likewise, if the sick man gets married in his sleep and does not see the woman and does not know her, then he dies . And from his mother’s husband, he sells his property : If a pregnant woman sees that she is married, then she gives birth to a slave-girl, and if she shows up like a bride, she gives birth to a boy . If a woman and she has a son sees that she is married, then she marries her son . If a single or married woman marries in a dream, she will obtain good . If the woman marries a dead man, she will be separated and poor . And whoever sees that he married a woman and has a wife or wives, he will have a choice and authority as much as the woman’s beauty and appearance if he inspects her and knows her. If he did not know her and she was preparing for him, this is evidence of his death, or the death of a person at his hands . And whoever sees that he marries the daughter of an unknown sheikh, he will suffer a lot of good . And if a woman sees that she has married an unknown sheikh, then she will do much good . And if she was sick she was cured of her illness . And whoever sees that he marries a dead woman from his wife, she should reach her womb, and if she is still alive, her womb will be cut off . And whoever saw that he married a mahram, his family prevails . And the wife in a dream is a partner, enemy, oppressive ruler, bitter opponent, or king, and everything that the earth has indicated to him in terms of comfort or fatigue, or good or evil, the wife like him is attributed to him for his indication of it .