
Charity indicates in a dream the payment of calamity, the well-being of the sick, livelihood and goodness . Charity indicates honesty, as it is if distraction is removed . If a person gives charity in a dream about what is permissible to give in charity, charity indicates the truthfulness of the narrated hadith, and if charity is given for what is permissible in charity, such as dead, wine, or carcasses, the measure is mismanaged in his or other people’s money . If he gave alms in a dream with good charity, and he was one of the keepers of cattle, he blessed him with it, and if he had crops, it indicated his growth and blessing . If he gives charity to an adulteress, he may indicate her repentance, and if he gives charity to a thief, he indicates that he has stopped theft . And charity may indicate the compulsion of the envious and suppress the enemies, and the charity of the secret in a dream indicates the forgiveness of sins or closeness to the king or scholars . And whoever used to give charity when people asked him, then he was a scientist, then he would know the people, and if he was a trader then someone else would benefit from it in selling, and if he was a craftsman then he knew the wages of industry, and if he fed a poor person, then he is a man who is afraid and is safe and relieved of his worries . And the interpretation of the poor is the examiner . Charity indicates praise, visiting graves and acts of righteousness .