
The thunderbolt is a torment in a dream if it comes to a place, and the stun of death, and the thunderbolt indicates the diseases and thunderbolts of those who burned them, and if they burned something that has a benefit, it indicates depression . And the thunderbolt is a warning to those who committed sins, and the thunderbolt is fond of fine . The thunderbolts indicate the pandemics and calamities with which our Lord afflicts whomever He wills, such as locusts, hail, winds, sicknesses, swallows, smallpox, pestilence and fever, and may indicate a great matter that comes from the king in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . The thunderbolt indicates the arrival of an unjust sultan, and it may indicate some famous accidents such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever sees a lightning bolt that falls in his house and is sick, he will die, and if he is absent, he shall obey him, and the owner of the police prevails over him . And whoever sees lightning strikes falling in rounds, people may be abusers . And if lightning strikes fall in acres and orchards, then plagues and owners of tithes and tax collections, and injustice, corruption, and intense fear spread in that place . And whoever sees a thunderbolt that falls in a town and burns its land, then that is a power that descends in that country, and corruption and high cost will occur from it .