Seeing the dead and mixing with them

As for seeing the dead, mixing with them, taking from them and giving to them, whoever sees that a dead has lived, then joy and happiness will happen. And whoever sees that he has revived the dead, then he greets an unbeliever and whoever sees that a dead has lived and then asks him that you have died and he said no, but you were alive, it indicates his good condition in The Hereafter, and whoever sees that a dead person is angry, then it indicates that he gave a will and did not act upon his will. And whoever saw that a dead person laughed, is auspicious, indicates that charity has arrived to him and it is acceptable, and whoever sees that a dead person is in good shape while he wears his clothes, then he indicates that his death is good for monotheism. He lived while he was in a mosque, because he was safe from the punishment of God Almighty, and whoever saw that he was associating with the dead then he traveled far away, and whoever saw that a dead laughed and then cried, it indicates that he died outside the religion of Islam, and whoever sees that a dead person has blackened his face, it indicates that he died an unbeliever. He saw that a dead person told him about his matter, because as he said, because the dead in the House of Truth does not speak anything but a truth. And whoever sees that a dead person has a crown, jewelry, or rings, or what adorns him, or he sees him sitting on a bed, then he indicates the goodness of his turn, and whoever sees that a dead person wears green clothes, it indicates That his death was a kind of testimony, and whoever saw that a dead person would dispute it while he was reluctant to do it or he would preach it with the words of G. Laze, it indicates that he has committed a sin, so he should repent to God, and perhaps the dead person is in particular, and whoever sees that the dead is naked and his nakedness exposed, then it indicates his departure from this world naked from good deeds, and if he is from the people of righteousness, then he smells of it and whoever sees a dead with dirty clothes or is sick, he is responsible for his religion It is between him and God Almighty, especially without the people, and whoever sees that a dead person is busy doing a good job, then he is good in his right in the Hereafter, and if his work is blameworthy then against that, and whoever sees a dead man who has lived and assumed his place, then someone who follows him gets guardianship and whoever sees that a dead person complains of his head, then he He is responsible for neglecting his parents’ affairs, and if he complains about his neck, then he is responsible for wasting his money or the friendship of his wife, and if he complains about his hand, he is responsible for his brother or partner or for an oath he swore with a liar and if he complained about his stomach then he is responsible for the rights of the father and relatives, and if he complained about his leg then he is responsible On spending his money other than God willing, and if he complains about his thigh, then he is responsible for cutting his womb, and if he complains about his legs, then he is responsible for the death of his life in falsehood, and whoever sees that a dead person prays with the living, they fall short in what is imposed on them of obedience, and whoever sees that he entered behind the dead in an unknown house then he did not He gets out of it, he dies, and whoever sees that he is traveling with a dead person Because his matter is confused by him and whoever saw a dead person who knew him and greeted him and asked him, because he did not die that year and indicates his goodness and the goodness of the deceased’s condition, and whoever sees that a known dead has died again and his death is crying, he will marry some of his family and he will be a bride among them, otherwise a person will die if he does not have a reason. The death of his counterpart or his name, and whoever sees that a dead is groaning and his condition is not the same, it indicates his bad work and reward for his ugly deeds. And whoever sees that a group of the dead in a place eat something, that thing is expensive and whoever thinks that he embraces the dead while they are on a pillow, his life will be prolonged.