See death

As for death, whoever sees that he has died and people are weeping for him, or washed and shrouded him, carried him on the coffin, or buried him in the grave, the whole of that indicates the corruption of his religion, and it is hoped that this deceased has the right to his religion unless he is buried. If he was buried, God met other than repentance unless he saw that he lived and left the grave After the burial, he repents and whoever sees that he was told that you have never died, then he will die a martyr, and whoever sees that he has died and what the dead body owes, and whoever sees that he has died and what is on him is the body of the dead, and no one weeps over him, was not washed and was not shrouded, he travels. He saw that he went out from a barren land to a fertile land, then he would move from heresy to a Sunnah, and if he saw that he went out from fertile land to a barren land then he would move from Sunnah to heresy and whoever saw that he shed his hands from the dirt then he would be poor, and if he was sick he died and whoever saw that he was dead in the graves For a long time, he travels far away and accompanies the ignorant and the people of immorality, and whoever sees that he died and then lived, he travels far away and then returns, and whoever sees that he died and was carried on the necks of men, then he hits a ruler and carries out his command but spoils his religion and is hoped for good later unless he is buried and who sees that he died He did not see a grave, a shroud, a funeral, or crying, because that is a comfort for the visionary who is in it And whoever sees that he is wrapped up as the dead is wrapped, then it is his death, and whoever sees that a living has died and then lived, then he apostates, we seek refuge with God from that. And whoever sees that the imam has died, corruption occurs in the religion of the seer, and some of them said whoever saw that the imam died, then that country reverts to corruption and revolves with what He ruins and whoever sees that one of his parents died, then his world is gone and his condition is spoiled, and if he is one of the students of the Hereafter, his work will be suspended, and if he sees that his brother died, if he is ill, then it is his death or the death of one of his aspects. In one of his eyes and one of his hands, and whoever sees that his wife died, she is destroying his industry, and it was said that he would get rich and benefit from money from a solution, and whoever saw that his son died, he would be saved from his enemy, and whoever saw that his daughter died, then he is despairing from joy. Ibn Sirin said that the boy’s death is safety from an enemy and the inheritance and the death of the girl is a return from Hope in him is joy, the death of the child and the death of the father, confusing matters because of his livelihood and the death of the mother. The lack of access to the purposes and the attainment of them and sadness and whoever sees one of his relatives has died, it is a decrease in his ability, the death of the wife is paradise and the death of the pregnant woman is very good and good for her. From where he does not hope for that, and whoever sees that a pregnant woman has died, she will give birth to a male son He was pleased with him and perhaps death indicated a divorce, and whoever saw that a known person had died while he was mourning for him, then a misfortune occurred for both of them, and whoever saw that he died among a people, he would be embroiled in their actions and it was said that he would die as a heresy or he traveled on a trip, he would not return from him and whoever saw that he carried a dead person would hit forbidden money And whoever sees that he dragged the deceased on the ground, then he acquires a sin, and whoever sees that he has transported the dead to the graves, then he does the right, and if he took it to the market he met his need and his trade expended, and whoever sees that a scientist has died, he indicates the invalidity of knowledge and Sharia in that place, and whoever sees that any of the people of innovation has He died, then he is becoming more tyrannical and whoever sees that a craftsman has died, it indicates a depression of his work, and whoever sees that his servant, his servant, or his servant has died, then he is lacking in his pomp, unless he has someone else, then he stops some things, and whoever sees that his friend died, either The seer dies or loses his friend, and whoever sees that his beast has died there is no good in him, and if he has other things, then he is lighter, and whoever sees that something of the animal has died while lying down, and if it has a canine or a claw, then it indicates the victory of the enemies, especially if its type is harmful and the nail is more and perhaps more indicative On safety and security, some of them said that if they saw that an unknown old man had died, it indicates that His grandfather does not produce from him anything that he intended, he found in him, and whoever sees that an unknown woman has died, his world is disrupted