Seeing sheep

As for the sheep, whoever sees that he has hit a ram, he is able to take advantage of a huge, impregnable man who is dear, and whoever sees that he rides and spends it as he pleases and the ram obeys him, then he conquers a huge man and spends him how he loves, and if the ram does not obey him, then that man does not follow him and whoever sees that he carries a ram on his back, he carries The supplies of a big man and whoever sees that he is fighting a ram, then he is fighting a huge man, so whoever defeats them is the victor, and whoever sees a ram who dies or slaughtered and divides his flesh, then a big man dies and divides his money, and whoever sees that he slaughtered a ram for other than eating or kills it, then he will gain his enemy and whoever sees in his house a slaughtered ram, then it is Some of his family dies, and whoever sees that he eats ram meat, then he eats from the money of a big man, and whoever sees that he is roasting a ram, then he becomes sick or afflicted with distress, and whoever sees that he has hit rams less than ten or sees her in his money, then if he is following something or there is a woman with him then he does not reside in that work And that woman does not stay with him until she dies or leaves her except with the number of rams he saw, and if she increased and increased to ten, then he follows a people and strikes a great authority. And whoever sees that he has brought the heads of rams, he will be brought with the heads of his enemies, and whoever sees that he has hit an ewe, then he will strike an honorable woman of fate that is fertilized. Milk a ewe, he will get permissible money, and whoever sees that he slaughtered an ewe, then yen Like a woman and whoever sees that he is grazing a sheep of lamb, then he follows the people, and if he sees that he has struck her or her possession, then he will afflict a great deal of spoil, and whoever sees that he has given him sesame, then he afflicts a blessed and honorable child, and whoever sees that he slaughtered lamb other than meat, then he dies for him or some of his family and whoever sees If he hit a goat, his king, or his knee, then it strikes a high and status with a big man, and whoever sees that he killed an unknown goat, or slaughtered it, or did something with it, or owned a group of it, then the course of interpretation of the ram and the goat runs the course of the sheep except that the sheep is more honorable than the goat and whoever thinks that he has hit a serious It strikes a boy, and whoever sees that he eats grandfather’s meat, he will get a little money from a boy