See high places, zodiac signs, and stairs

And whoever sees that he has ascended to a high place of hills, roofs, palaces and so on, then he is afflicted with power and elevation, and it was said that he who saw that he was in a high position and the people were all under him and if he was sick then he would be his coffin and if he was celibate and he was hoping for marriage then he would marry an honorable woman and whoever saw that he fell from something of that For he returns from the state and whoever sees that he intended a degree to hit our ruler or to reach the matter that he is seeking, and if he is sick and has seen that he has reached the end of the stairs then the expiration of his life and if he sees that he has ascended many stairs then he follows the affairs of men and his rank rises with them and perhaps the descent of the stairs indicates dictation and persuasion and from He saw that he went down the stairs, and if he was a worker, he got out of his work or traveling near his travels, and if he had a sick woman who perished, and whoever saw that he had climbed up an old Muslim, he was hit by something good from trade and other things, and if he saw that he had fallen from a new ladder, he would be stuck in his religion and who saw that he set up a ladder for him So he descended from him to his known place, because he is safe from what he is in of harm and fear of destruction