Seeing the prophets, peace be upon them

And whoever sees Adam, peace be upon him, his beauty and glory, the guardian of the guardianship, if he is worthy, otherwise he will attribute to a great man or indicate that he has committed a sin, then he should repent. If he sees that he spoke to him, he has knowledge and knowledge. Whoever saw Idris received a high degree of honor and whoever saw Noah had a long life And he suffered distress and harm and triumphed and gave birth to children from the wife of Dinah and whoever saw a hood over him would be dominated by a foolish and ignorant people, and he was saved and wins with goodness and goodness, and whoever saw a righteous one he obtained from the fools and then he would be victorious or in his matter is good. Or he has an immoral woman, and if he is someone who does the work of his people, let him fear God and repent, and whoever sees Abraham, then he will perform Hajj or be blessed with the love of God, and his worries and distress will go away, and it was said that injustice from an unjust ruler will reach him and he will be victorious. And whoever sees him and whoever sees Job afflicts him with a calamity then he is saved and compensated with good, and if he is sick or his sick, he will be cured of God Almighty and whoever sees Jonah he hastens in a matter that afflicts him from confinement and distress, then he will be saved and whoever sees David as a guardian and may be afflicted because of a woman and he may have something And he was affected by licorice, and whoever saw Solomon as the guardian of the state and the provision of its jurisprudence And whoever sees Zachariah, upon his old age, attains a pious son, and whoever sees Yahya attains piety and piety, or has become worthy and a state, and good tidings come to him, and whoever sees Jesus becomes an ascetic, worshiper of frequent travels, and whoever sees despair has a call to answer his enemies, and whoever sees vegetables, he will perform Hajj and be a long life and perhaps indicate fertility After exaggeration, and whoever saw Luqman provided wisdom or a righteous son, and whoever saw a prophet of the prophets, peace be upon them in a place, if his family was in war, they would triumph over their enemy, and if they were in distress or a lack of relief from them, and whoever saw that he visited a prophet, alive or dead, if he was pious, he increased in If he is disobedient, God will forgive him, or he indicates that he will visit him as he saw, or he indicates that he is from the people of Paradise, or good and blessing has happened to him, and whoever sees one of them while he is in a good image, he will have goodness in his religion and world, and if he sees in him a deficiency and other than a good image, he indicates The lack of the religion of the visionary, and whoever sees that he is a prophet of the prophets, then he will die a martyr and be limited in his livelihood and be blessed with patience after the calamities and then he will come to victory and whoever sees the tomb of a prophet among the prophets is good and blessing and it was said that he is in his intercession and if he is a single he marries and some of them said that he visited the shrine of someone from The Prophets, the Companions, or the righteous, for he relieves his worries and grief and expiates his sins