Fawn – doe

Doe : Vjarih Belle Arab, it felt like a hunted doe, it is plotted or Bjarah con woman Wiczugea . If he saw it as if he was throwing a doe with a stone, that indicates the divorce of his wife, her beating, or the intercourse of a maid . If he saw as if he had nursed her with an arrow, he would shoot a maid . If a doe is slaughtered and blood spills from her, then he must be a maid . Whoever turns a deer, he stumbles upon the pleasure of this world, and whoever takes a deer, he struck an inheritance, and a great deal of goodness, and if he saw a deer it would jump on it . If his wife became fanatic, and whoever saw that he was running in the trail of an ant, his strength increased . And it was said that he who became an antelope would increase himself and his money . And whoever takes a deer and brings it into his house, he will marry his son . And if his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy, and if he skinned a gazelle, he forcibly committed adultery with a woman . It was narrated that a man saw as if he were a deer king, then he recounted his vision on a crossing, and said : You have permissible money, or marry a free, generous woman . It was so . And eat fawn meat from a beautiful woman . And whoever struck fear, struck a child . A maid, Belle and the monster, is also a woman . And the calf of the beast is born . And the skins of the beast and the antelope and their hair, and their fat, and their bellies, money from the women . And whoever throws a gazelle to catch, he will try to win it . And it was said that whoever turns a deer or something from the beast, he will retire from the Muslim community .