In the hand vision and its interpretation

And if he sees his hand falling short of what he wants from working with it and oppression or withered, then its interpretation in the same hand and ability does not obtain what he wants, and he is let down by those who seek his help . And if he sees in his hand the virtue of strength and relaxation in oppression, then his interpretation is in his hand and his ability to do what he wants, and the aid of those who seek help from him, and there is another aspect in it, that its length, shortness, strength and weakness is a product of its owner, to whom the hand becomes, and a hand of good hands In his view, as was the saying of Abu Bakr and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, they used the phrase ~vision~ with names and their meanings, and relied on that vision . If he sees that his hand has weakened, opened, dried up, or its wind stinked : excluding others of the prey, then this is a corruption of the work of its owner, to what it has become, or he left its completion with him, or a weakness of his power over him . If he sees that his hand has turned the hand of a prophet from among the prophets or some of the righteous, then see how that prophet or that righteous was like in the one who guided God on their hands from misguidance, or who saved him from perdition, and how his destiny was among his people, what he suffered from them of harm, and how it was The consequence of their command and command, so also God guides a people by the hand of the visionary, and it is the hand that has been described, and by which God delivers a people from misguidance to guidance, and whatever harm is caused in that, similar to what the Prophet met in God, so his condition and his deeds are in its consequence, like the crafts That Prophet, and this is an honorable vision that only people of virtue and met with hardly see . And whoever sees such a vision in particular without the people of virtue, piety and ability, and whatever it is described is impossible for it to be accepted and rejected .