
Whoever sees himself as an ihram : If he is sick, he will die and the supplicant answers and the one who called is answered, and has moved from the clothes of this world to the clothes of the Hereafter . And if he was guilty, he repented and was stripped of what he was in response to God through obedience and deeds . And if he had a vow of fasting or prayer, he took on making up what he owed . And if someone who has a sick wife or a woman who has a sick hubby sees that, the sick one from her will die and her owner leaves him . And it may indicate divorce if they met in a dream in Ihram so that some of them are forbidden to others, or there was in awakening something that supports that, unless his Ihram is in silk and safflower, then he is stripped to the service of the Sultan, or he marries forbidden, or comes to him and hastens to him . If someone other than God answered, or in his impartiality he was blind, or in a miserable face, or according to the stupidity of the pilgrimage, then he would strip the neck of Islam from his neck in a deed that he intended, or a power to lead it, because Hajj is the intention in the language .