Wearing socks

Wearing socks, and it was said that it is traveling in the sea, and wearing them with weapons is Paradise . And the new slippers are a salvation from misfortune, and a protection from money . And if he does not have a weapon, then he is very anxious and strong in worry . And it was said that a narrow slipper is a debt, a confinement, and a restriction, and if it is extensive, then it is in terms of money, and if it is new it is attributed to protection, then it is better for its owner, and if it is of character then it is weaker for protection, and if it is attributed to worry, then what was the wisest is farther than relief. Slippers with clothes and clothes, it is an increase in the level and capacity of the pension . And slippers in the baskets of the winter are better, and in the summer they are . If he sees khuffa and does not wear it, then he will gain money from the non-Arab people, and the loss of the slippers attributed to the protection, the adornment will be gone . If it was attributed to worry and debts, it was relief from them, and wearing naive slippers indicates marriage to a virgin, if under his foot it was broken, he indicated a virgin marriage. If he is lost or cut off, he divorces his wife. If he sells the slippers, the woman will die. If he sees that he bounces with the lightness of a wolf or A fox, for he is an immoral man who kills him in his wife, and whoever wears a lonely slippers he is hit by a woman, and if there is a patch at the bottom of the slippers, then he marries a woman with a son . Wearing red slippers for those who wanted to travel is not recommended . It was said that he who saw that he had stolen the pumice from him was hit by Haman .