Man’s shirt

A man’s shirt : It is the same in his earnings, livelihood, and religion. All that he saw in it, whether more or less, is in that. The shirt was said to be good news for the Almighty saying : “ Go with this shirt of mine .” It was said that a man is a woman, and a woman has a husband, because God Almighty says : ~They are your garments, and ye are their garments .~ If he saw his shirt was healed, he left his wife, and if he saw that he wore a shirt and had no ambush, then he is good in his religion, except that he has no money and is unable to work, because work and money have one hand and he does not have the same hand, which is the violin . If a pocket sees his shirt torn, then it is a sign of poverty . If he sees that he has many shirts, this indicates that he has many good deeds for which he will obtain in the hereafter a great reward . The white shirt is a debt and goodness, and wearing it is the same as the one who wears it, and so is his robe, and their goodness and corruption regarding their wear . If a woman saw that she wore a new, cheeky, wide shirt, then it is good for her in her religion and world and the condition of her husband, and the Prophet, peace be upon him, said : I saw as if people were offering me with a shirt on them, some of which reach the breasts, some of which reach the bottom of that, and Omar offered Ali, and on him a shirt He dragged him, they said, what did you pay for that, O Messenger of God? He said : Religion .