
It is felt that riding a donkey monster : spend where he wants and obey him, that passengers sin, which is paradoxically the opinion of the Muslim community in his religion and in his opinion and desires . If the donkey was not humiliated, and he saw that it was slaughtered, broken, broken, or something like that, then it would afflict him with severity in his affairs and great fear . If he sees that he has brought him into his home with this conscience, or that he has taken him to stay in his home, then a man also interferes with him in his opinion and there is no good in him . If he sees that he has brought any of that into his home and his conscience is that he hunted him while he wanted it for food, then he would enter spoil and good for him . And the males of the beast in hermeneutics are men . And their females are women . Al-Wahsh’s milk is a small amount of money for the one who struck it, except for the milk of the donkey donkey, for he who drinks from its milk will fall into immorality in his debt, and his righteousness in it . And whoever turns a donkey into a zebra, he departs from the opinion of the Muslim community and isolates them . Likewise, if something is transformed from the monster, unless it sees that it has transformed a gazelle, it strikes a female pleasure .