the salt

Salt : Al-Qayrawani said that it indicates a wealth that has dirt on it from money, because it is from the earth, especially as it has the goodness of souls, so it is like money and money that is good for mankind and their coexistence . Its white indicates the white of dirhams, its blackness indicates the black of dirhams, and its perfume indicates gold . And permissible money, and perhaps it indicates a tanner, because both are money, offers and spoils, and he is a tanner in truth, and may indicate jurisprudence, Sunnah, and religions, because it is good for what is in his pension, and he is afraid of it, as some wise men say about the corruption of scholars : With salt is good what he fears will change … so how With salt if it fell to others, and perhaps a cure for ailments, when it was mentioned in some of the effects that there is a cure for seventy-two diseases . The sabkha may refer to the house of knowledge, the remembrance of the remembrance, the store of the lamb, the silver, the rarer and the green metal, and the sterile woman with money and yields, so whoever benefits from salt in a dream or inherits it is given to him or descended on him from the sky or rests him with bribes, I look at his condition, and if he is sick, his skin Health . And if he is a student of knowledge, he will be victorious with jurisprudence, and if he is a student of the world, then you will pass it to him with money, and he should be able to have his benefit and earnings for him from the causes of salt or salinity, such as the executioner, the tanner, the traveler in the sea, the fisherman, the seller of olives and salinity, and if he passes a marsh in his sleep and takes from its salt in his bowl and leads it to his home Either a medicine he takes from a doctor, or an answer he takes from a jurist, or money he takes from a sterile old woman, or a commodity of salts that he buys from its seller, fetch, handler, or its origin and location .