the number

The number : it differs according to the number that is counted, and if it is seen as if God’s name is counted in it, then it is praised . If he sees that he is counting dinars in which the name of God Almighty is counted, then he will benefit from knowledge . If he sees a picture engraving in it, then he works with the vanities of the world . And if he saw that he was counting a pearl, he would recite the Qur’an . If he sees that it is considered an essence, then he is learning or studying science . If he sees that he is counting a bead, then he is engaged in something that does not concern him . If he sees that he is preparing fat cows, fertile years will pass over him . If he sees as if he is a beauty and a burden . If he was a sultana who benefited from his enemies, the value of which was not compatible with those loads, and if he was a sultana that rained his crops, and if he was a merchant who made a great profit . If he sees as though he is preparing Jorsa, then he falls into distress and exhaustion in his living, and likewise the number in everything besides him returns to his essence .