Eat the fetched bird

Eating the infertile bird : to navigate backbiting and fading, and seeing wine in the cottage is a treasure hit . And if love is in water and it is in a house, then she is a rich and filled woman . And if the love of water is for watering, then he is a man of great money and a great expense for the sake of God . Love, if there is vinegar in it, then it is a pious man, and if there is foam in it then it is full of money, and if it is in it, then it is a sick man . A man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if the cache of my house had broken . He said : If you believe you will divorce your wife . It was so . Al-Raouq : An honest man who tells the truth . The bottle is a servant who is reluctant to transfer money, and the ewer is a servant, based on what God Almighty says : “A man who is immortalized by cups and jugs will circulate on them .” Whoever sees it as if he is drinking from a jug, he will have a child from his ummah, and the jugs serve the stature on the tables . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was drinking from a wart that had two holes, one of which was sweet and the other salty . He said : Fear God, for you differ with the sister of your wife .