He played chess, dice, heels and walnuts

Playing with chess, dice, cakes and walnuts : disliked and disputed . Rather, it was said that playing with everything is disliked, because God Almighty said : “ Or it is safe for the people of the villages to come to them with our lives as a sacrifice while they play. ” And if he sees that he plays with it, then he has a religious enemy . And chess is set up not to play with, for they are isolated men . As for installed and played with, they are male governors . If the end of her fief comes, then he becomes the ruler of that position as a beating or strife, and if one of the two opponents defeats the other, then the victor is the apparent one . It has been said that playing chess is an endeavor in a fight or rivalry . As for playing with dice, he differed concerning it, and it was said that it was engaging in sin, and it was said that it was a trade in sin . Playing with it in the first place indicates the occurrence of a fight in oppression for its prohibition, and the victory is for the one who is victorious . And playing with the cube is a falsehood, and it was said that it is good evidence . Gambling is riot and conflict . As for Muhammara, then Mamlouk, Adeeb, was praised by his owner .