Earring in the ear

Earring in the ear : As for the earring for men, it does an act of hearing, and the pleasure of the ear is not befitting except for women, such as singing and beating the tie, otherwise he does what he should not, and he enriches the Qur’an, and if there is no such thing, she looks at the pregnant woman from his family, as for his wife or daughter, it is She gives birth to a boy if the earring is gold, and if the earring is silver, and she gives birth to a female . And whoever sees a woman or a maid in her ears, an earring or a shanf, then he will see a trade in a crowded country, a picnic in which there are slaves, and there are women who are adorned, because the woman and the maid are a trade, and the ear on which the earring is placed is slaves and women. The world and its beauty, because the beauty of everything is pearl, and the Qur’an and religion are blessed, good voice and perfection in its affairs . And if he was nevertheless a schooner, he would have a daughter . If a pregnant woman sees this, she will have a male son . The earring and the shaf are equal for men and women, and if the earring is of gold then a singer man, and if it is of silver, then it saves half of the Qur’an . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if there was an earring in one of my ears, so he said to him : How did you sing? He said that I have a good voice .