The garland

The collar : for men, so a woman’s benevolence to her husband, and his breadth is richness for the husband, and its wisdom is the knowledge of the husband, and it is from the iron of its strength, and wood in its midst is hypocrisy . It is the Sultan Zafar and the trader profit . If he sees that he is surrounded by a narrow cordon, then he is miserly, and if the person of the vision is one of the pious people, then none of the people of the religion will benefit from it . And if he is a knowledgeable, then he is hiding a note. God Almighty said : “ They will encircle what they are upset with on the Day of Resurrection .” And whoever sees it as if he has bought a maid with a collar of silver in her throat, then he will trade on the maid’s measure and benefit from her power, or he will strike a woman or a maid from the trade, because silver is of the essence of women . It was said that the ring of any kind was corruption in religion .