
Gold is not praiseworthy in the interpretation of the disliking of its word and its yellow color, and its interpretation of grief and a fine of money, and the bracelet from it if he wears it is an inheritance in his hand, so whoever sees that he wears something of gold then he intermarries with an incompetent people, and whoever strikes a gold bar, his money is gone or they are struck by them as much He struck gold, or Sultan was angry with him and fined him, and if he saw that the gold was going, he argued in a hate matter and it fell into the tongues of people, and whoever saw his house with a madhhab or of gold, the fire occurred . And whoever sees on him a necklace or silver or beads or the essence of a guardian and imitates a trust, and whoever sees two bracelets of gold or silver on him, something bad will happen to him from what his hands possess, and silver is better than gold, and there is no better in the bracelet and the dull, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “ I saw It was as if there were two gold bracelets in my hands, and I blew them up and they fell, so Mosaylimah, the liar, and al-Ansi, the owner of Sanaa , took them. And whoever thinks that he has an anklet made of gold or silver, he will experience fear or confinement and restraint . And it is said that men’s anklets are their chains, and nothing of jewelery is suitable for men in a dream except for a necklace, necklace, ring and earring . All jewelry for women is adornment, and perhaps the interpretation of the bracelet and anklet for the husband is special . If gold is not jeweled then it is fined, and if it is jeweled, then it is weaker in evil because another name has entered it . And it was said that women’s jewelry denotes women to their children, so gold is for their males, silver for their females, and the male may refer to males, and the feminine to females . And it was narrated that a woman came across and said : I saw as if I had a bowl of fine gold, and it broke and rushed into the ground, so I asked for it, but I did not find it, so he said : Are you a sick slave or a slave? She said yes, he said : He’s dying . A person saw as if his eyes were of gold, so he wanted his eyes to go away .