Man’s rope

The man’s rope : an increase in his worldly life, and it was said that it is the grief of a concealed murder . The man’s birth is underway, a good injury and a close vagina, and some of his offspring emerge from the dominance of his household . And his birth is a boy, he is severely affected, and the woman’s pregnancy is an increase in money, and her childbirth is a boy who gives birth to a slave girl, and her nature is contrary to that, so he is one of those who, if she sees that she gave birth to a maid, she was a slave girl, and if she saw that she gave birth to a boy, he was a boy . Likewise, if he saw his wife or his slave-girl giving birth to a maid, he would have done well . If one of them gave birth to a boy, they would receive him severely . Likewise, if he saw that he had bought a maid, he would have been well . If he bought a boy, they would hit him hard .