Vision of the beard

And with regard to the beard : Whoever sees that it has grown too long, his visions indicate debt and distress . If it goes on until it falls to the ground, it indicates death, because God Almighty says : ~From it we created you, and in it we will return you .~ If it lasted until it stuck to his stomach, he struck money and the face with which he would tire as much as it was on his stomach . If he saw that her length was of a good measure, he would have earned money, dignity, and a good life . And it was said that if it was prolonged until it reached the navel, it indicated that it was not in obedience to God . If he saw that its sides were long without its waist, then he would get money that others would enjoy, and Ibn Sirin came to a man, and said : I saw my beard reached my navel, and I looked at it . He said : You are a muezzin looking at the neighbors ’role . The beard is not praised in the interpretation of the boy who is not an adult, and if he sees that he took a beard other than him in his hand and pulled it, then he inherits his money and eats it . The loss of the beard if it does not increase is evidence of ease and the elimination of debt and vagina . And if its decrease is greater, it indicates humiliation and money and prestige . If he sees as if a cushion is speaking to his wife, his matter is confused by his destiny, and he separates between him and his loved ones, because the devil, God cursed him, spoke to Eve in the form of a cosmetic . And the blackness of the beard’s hair indicates dispensing if it was dark, so if it was blackened to green, he would gain a lot of possession and money, but he would be a tyrant, because it is a characteristic of Pharaoh’s beard . Its yellowishness is a sign of poverty and scarcity, and the red one is a sign of piety . And if he saw that he took his beard and had her hair scattered in his hand . He grabbed it and did not throw it to him, because money goes from his hand and then returns to it. If he sees as if he threw it, money is gone from him and it is not returned to him . Increased mustache hair is detestable . And its incompleteness is praiseworthy, and the interpretation of plucking the beard for the rich man is his extravagance of his money, and for the poor indicates that two people meet him together, and indicates that he borrows from a person something and lends it to another . And shaving the beard, financial and prestige go . If he sees as if he has cut off his beard what is left over from his grasp, then he is paying zakat on his money . And gray hairs in the beard and dignity and prestige . And Hemoglobin : Lester, if Hb Balhina, indicated his commitment to the year . If he saw as if he had shaved his head without his beard, he would keep the secret of his boss . If he sees as if he afflicted them all, then he strives to hide his poverty, and he seeks fate with the people . And if poetry accepted its pigmentation, then it will return to its direction and not remain for much . If he sees as if he is dying with mud or plaster, then he is asking for shops and his matter is well known . A woman’s beard indicates that she never gives birth, and it was said that it indicates her illness. It was said that it was interpreted as the increase in her husband’s money and her son and the honor of her son, and it was said that if she was married, she indicated her husband’s backbiting . If she sees that she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son and his affairs are fulfilled . And it was said that he who has a long beard and a lot of hair will have a long life and more money . And it was said that something that occurs before its time indicates evil, such as when male boys see a beard or white in the feeling, and female young boys have a wedding or a son . Likewise, all that is outside his time except for speaking, for speaking is a good guide, because man is by nature a talking animal . If a young man who has not yet reached the dream sees that he has a beard, then he dies and does not reach the dream, and that is because the time has preceded when he should have had a beard . If the boy is not far from the time of the beard plant, then that is evidence that he is alone and doing his own thing . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin, and said : I saw as if my beard was getting longer and Sabalai did not grow long, so he said : You hit money that others can congratulate on . And the hook is the aid of the man who flaunts it and lives with it among the people, so what he saw in it happened so he interpreted it as you mentioned . And whoever sees half of his beard shaved, then he is lacking and he goes towards it, so if he shaved it an unknown young man, he went towards the hand of an enemy he knew, or his name or his counterpart . If a sheikh shaves it, then he goes with his estimated limit, and if it is unknown, then he goes in his direction by the hands of an oppressive exploiting chief, who has no basis, and if he sees that it is cut off, then he should be cut from his money and go from his side as much as he cut from his beard . If he sees that they have flown, then he is going to his family, and his ability is from his money . Shaving is easier than plucking, and plucking may be good for some of his affairs if the face is not suspicious, but that goodness is difficult for him .