
For a mule : a man who is not counted for him, either who commits adultery or his father is a slave, and he is a strong, tough and tough man, and he is a man of travel and men of labor and work . Whoever rides him in a dream, he is traveling, because it is one of the animals of travel, unless he has a fierce opponent, a scheming enemy, or a malicious slave, then he will be victorious and defeated . If his handle is in his hand and the gag is in his mouth, if a woman married or conquered a man in his manner . Riding a mule indicates longevity, and a barren woman . And the mule : with her saddle, bridle and instrument, a good, decent woman, of low origin, and perhaps she is barren or has no child . And the shiba is beautiful, and the green is good and long-lived, and the mule with al-kaf and al-barza is also a travel guide . And whoever rides a mule that is not his, he betrays a man with his wife . And riding a mule upside down is a woman is forbidden . And the words of the mule, the horse, or everything he speaks, it attains a good that people marvel at . And whoever sees that he has a mule as a result, then he is a hope for an increase in money . As well as the stallion if carrying and laying . And riding a mule on its weights if it is a humiliation, then it is valid for the one who rides it . And the weak mule for whom no lord is known, a wicked and insignificant man . And riding a black mule, a barren woman with money, and I will pay .