The ass

The donkey : the person finds it as he sees it fat or emaciated, and if the donkey is large then it raised it, and if it is well walked then it is the benefit of the world, and if it is beautiful then it is beauty for its owner, and if it is white then it is the religion of its owner and its splendor, and if it is scant then it is the poverty of its owner . And fat is the property of its owner, and if it is black, then it is its cypress and sovereignty, and it is king, honor, prestige and power . And green is devout and religion . Ibn Sirin preferred donkey over other animals, and chose lions from them . And the donkey saddle was born in the glory . And the length of his guilt, the survival of his state in his obstacle . And the death of a donkey indicates the death of its owner . And the donkey dug the basis of his money, and it was said that whoever dies his donkey his money will be gone, otherwise his connection is cut off or his riders fall or he left, or his servant who was serving him died, or his father or grandfather who was serving him died, or else his master who was under him died, sold him or traveled About . If it was a woman, her husband divorced her, died on her behalf, or traveled from her place . As for the donkey that does not know its Lord, if it is no longer on its head, then it is an ignorant man or an infidel, for his voice, because God Almighty says : “He denies the sounds .” And it also indicates the Jew, for the Almighty said : ~ Like a donkey carries books .~ If he bobbed over the mosque or on the minaret, then he called an unbeliever to his disbelief and innovated to his heresy . And if the call to prayer for Islam, then an unbeliever embraced Islam and called for the truth, and there was a sign and a lesson in it . And whoever sees that he has donkeys, then he will accompany an ignorant people, for the Almighty says : ~As if they were reddened ones .~ And whoever rides a donkey or walks with it, walking with good agreement, his grandfather agrees, is good . And whoever eats donkey meat, he will get money and grandmother . If he sees that his donkey does not walk except by being beaten, then he is deprived and is not fed except by supplication . And if his donkey enters his house revered, then he is his grandfather, and he will turn to him with goodness over the essence of what it bears . And whoever sees his donkey turned into a mule, then his sustenance shall be of authority . If he turns seven, then his grandfather and his livelihood are from an unjust ruler. If he turns into a ram, then his grandfather is from honor or discrimination . And whoever sees that he carried his donkey, then that is a power that God Almighty bestows upon his grandfather so that he may marvel at him . And whoever hears the hooves of animals falling during the round without seeing them, it is rain and a torrent . The donkey for the traveler is better with slowness, and his travel conditions will be as much as his donkey . And from collecting donkey dung, his money will increase . Whoever wrestled a donkey, some of its relatives died . Whoever marries a strong donkey against his grandfather . And whoever sees as if a donkey has sex with him, he has acquired wealth and beauty that cannot be described due to its abundance . The obedient donkey will wake up its owner for good, money and move . And whoever owns a donkey or tied it up and brought it into his house, God will lead to it all good and deliver it to those who are, and if it is revered, then good is better . And whoever slaughters his donkey is poor, and if the donkey is for someone else then he is cut off from it, it is cut off between it and its owner, its name or its counterpart . And whoever buys a donkey and pays a dirham for it, he will have better words . If he sees that he has a blindfolded donkey, then he has money that he does not know where it is . And nothing is hated by the donkey except its voice, and it is in the origin of man’s grandfather and his luck .