the lake

The lake : denotes a woman on the left who loves direct, because the lake is standing and does not run, and it kills whoever falls into it and does not push it . And the waves are severity and torment, because God Almighty says : ~They are covered by waves like shadows .~ And the Almighty said : “And the waves halted between them .” And it was narrated that a merchant saw that he was walking in the sea, and he was terrified by the fear of the sea, so he recounted his visions on a crossing . He said : If you want to travel, you will be well . This is because his visions indicate the stability of his affairs . And a man saw as if the sea water was angry until its edge appeared . So he recounted it to Ibn Masada, and he said : An affliction descended on the earth by the caliph, or drought in countries, or the caliph’s money was stolen . It was only a small amount until the caliph was killed, his money plundered, and countries were oppressed . And whoever saw that he brought out a pearl from the sea, he would benefit from the king in money, slave or flag . And if he sees that the sea water or other water has increased until it exceeded the limit, which is the meaning of the flow until it entered homes, houses and homes, then its people oversee the drowning, then there will be a great trial . The principle is in the dominant water they are and sedition, because God Almighty called his victory and its abundance tyranny, and he said that drowning indicates the commission of a great calamity and the manifestation of heresy, and death in drowning is a death over disbelief . As for the unbeliever, if he sees that he has drowned in water, then he believes, because God Almighty says : “ Even if drowning catches him, he says, I believe . ” The verse . And whoever sees as if he has drowned and sinks into the sea, the Sultan will destroy him . If he sees as if he has drowned and made him dive once and float once and move his hands and feet, then he will gain wealth and state . If he sees it as if he left him and did not drown, then he reverts to the matter of religion, especially if he sees green clothes on himself . It was said that he who saw that he died drowning in the water that his enemy would like to drown in the pure water drowned in a lot of money . As for swimming : whoever sees that he is swimming in the sea and was a scientist who has reached his need in knowledge, if he swims on land, then he is locked up and gets tight in his confinement, and he stays there as much as swimming is difficult or easy, and as much as his strength . If he sees that he is swimming in a flat valley until he reaches a place he wants, then he enters into the work of an unjust and mighty sultan who demands from him a need that he fulfills for him and is able to him and God Almighty secures him as much as he runs in the valley . If he fears him, then he fears a ruler as well, and if he escapes, he escapes from him, and if he enters the sea and swimming in it better, then he enters into a great matter and a great mandate, and he is able to possess the king and obtain glory and power . If he swims on his back, he repents and returns from sin . And whoever prays while he is afraid, he will receive fear, sickness, or imprisonment, as much as his distance from righteousness . And if he thinks that he will not escape from him, then he will die in that worry, and if he is bold in his swimming, then he is spared from that work . And if a Sultan sees that he wants to swim in a sea and the sea is turbulent with a wave, then he is fighting a king among the kings, and if he breaks the sea by swimming he will kill that king . And every sea, river, or valley that has dried up, it is the go of the state of those attributed to it, and if the water returns, the state will return . And it was said that if a person sees that he has escaped from the water swimming before his awareness of his sleep, then it is better for him to notice while he is in the water swimming . And it was said that he who saw that he was swimming, contested an opponent and defeated his opponent and won over him . And walking over water in a sea or river indicates his good religion and the validity of his certainty, and it was said that he is certain of something that he is in doubt, and it was said that he travels on a journey in danger to his trust . And whoever sees as if the water is flowing on its surface, he will be struck by a calamity from the Sultan, which is indicative of the ruler’s leg, which he can only handle, for his flow and authority . And the one who has stagnated from him is easier and more gentle, and indicates a warrior who cuts the road, and if he is traveling, a thief or a lion crosses the road on him, or his mind about his journey is rain, a ruler, or a mecca . And if he was present, he would be afflicted with a sorrow and calamity, because God Almighty said : “You are cursed with a river .” As for Sultan, it is presented to him, especially if he entered it . Either he imprisons him, orders him to be beaten, or he attains grief if he has gotten him great, or prevents him from being saved from his stream, then either a disease falls in him from cold or dropsy, so how if that was in the winter and his water was bad, then it is more severe in all that indicates it? If it is cut, crossed or exited from it, he will be saved from all that is in it of grief and sickness, and all evidences of affliction and sorrows . And whoever draws from a river and drank, gets money from a man as dangerous as that river . And whoever enters a river and strikes it from the bottom of mud or mud, they will be struck by a man whose condition is like that of that river in rivers . And whoever cuts a river to the other side, he will cut off worry, horror, or fear, and he will be delivered from it if there is mud .