Tigris – Euphrates – Nile

Tigris : Whoever drinks its water, he will gain the ministry if he is one of its residents, and he will get the minister’s money . And whoever saw that he was drinking water from the Euphrates, he would be blessed, beneficial and blessed . If he sees that the water of the Euphrates has dried up, then the caliph will die or his money is lost, and the interpretation may fall on the caliph’s minister . And whoever drank from the Nile, he would receive as much gold as he drank . And whoever sees that the water of the valley submerges it without drowning in it, then he will be afflicted with overwhelming gloom . And if he came out of him, he escaped from the grief, and if he saw a person as if the river water was snatching him or something from his animals or his belongings or he was taking it, then it is harmful and a loss for him. If he sees as if he is running into his house a clear river of water, he points to the left and money, and it was said that this is for the rich one, a reason for him and a benefit Be for the people of the house . If he sees a river flowing from his house and people are drinking from it, then if he is rich or honorable, that indicates good and benefits from it for the people of the country that he honors and spends on them, and his house comes to many people who are in need and obtain benefit from him, and if the visionary is poor, he expels his wife, son or Someone from his home due to fornication or an ugly act . If he sees clear water flowing to his house, he indicates to the left and money .