Unknown tree

Whoever sees a tree of unknown essence in a house, then fire will gather there or there will be a house of fire, because God Almighty says : “He has made for you the green tree as fire .” Perhaps the tree was in the house or in the market, a quarrel between people, if the tree was unknown, because God Almighty said : “They will judge you as to what trees are between them .” As for bone trees that do not bear fruit, such as cypress and plush, they are huge, hardy men who have no good, and none of the trees have a good wind, so praise for the man to whom that tree is attributed is like the wind of that tree and every tree has fruit, so the man who is attributed to it is fertile As much as it bears fruit, it hastens its perception and benefits . The trees that have thorns are a difficult man, and he who takes water from a tree will benefit money from a man that is attributed to the type of that tree, and whoever sees that he planted trees in his garden, he has children born to him, whose ages are as long and short as the age of those trees, and if he sees sprouting trees and through them Two blowing winds, for they are men who enter that place to weep, worry and misfortune .