the tree

The commentators said : If the tree indicates the work of its owner and his religion and himself, then its paper indicates his character, beauty and clothing, and its people to his lineage, brothers and beliefs . Her heart indicates his secrets and what he conceals from his deeds, its peel indicates his appearance, his skin and all that adorns him of his works, and its water indicates his faith, piety, kingdom and life for every human being to his destiny, and perhaps they arranged it contrary to this arrangement, and I mentioned him in the seas . Whoever sees himself above a tree or its possession in a dream, or this is seen by him, I look at his condition and the state of his tree, and if he is dead in the House of Truth, I look at the characteristic of the tree, and if the tree is large, beautiful and good, then the dead in Paradise and perhaps it is a tree of blessedness and goodness And if it is an ugly tree with thorns, blackness and stink, then it is in torment, and perhaps it is the Zaqqum tree that has become to it because of his disbelief or because of the corruption of his taste, and if he sees that patient, he moves to one of the two matters according to his destiny and the extent of his tree. A marriage seeker, or a woman for a husband, one of whom obtained a husband according to the condition of the tree and its appearance, if it was unknown, or on a print about its character, lineage and essence if it was known, and if the husband of each of them in waking life was ill, then I looked at the time at that time. That tree that he owned or saw himself on top of it at the turn of time, water has flowed in it, so the patient is peace, health has progressed in his body and signs of life have appeared on his body, and if he is in his management, then the patient is going to God Almighty and he is going to dust and destruction . And if he saw it in his shop or his living place, then it is an indication of his earnings and livelihood, and if it was in his demand, then he benefited . Although in his management, he lost and became poor . And if he sees it in a mosque, it is an indication of his religion and his prayers . If it is in the management of time, then he is oblivious to his religion, he is not from his prayers, and if it is in his desire, then the man is righteous and diligent, his workers have completed his obedience . As for the one who owns a lot of trees, he follows a group of guardians who are worthy of him, either an emirate, a district, a fatwa, or a leader of a mihrab, or a leader on his companionship, a captain on a ship, or a shop in a maker under his hand, and on this and the like . As for whoever sees her group in a house, it is men or women, or both of them meet there for good or evil, and if he sees its fruits on it and people eat from it, if its fruits indicate good and livelihood then it is a feast and those dining tables are in it, and if its fruits are disliked indicates grief, then it is a funeral They eat food in it, and likewise if there is a sick person in the house, and if its fruit is unknown, then I looked, and if that was in the coming of trees, its food was in joy, and if it was in its management it was a calamity, especially if there were clues in waking one of the two matters . As for whoever sees a tree that has fallen, cut down, burned, or broken by a strong wind, then he is a man or woman who will perish or be killed, and the destruction is inferred by her essence or location and by her vigilance from her evidence, and if she is in his home, the cause of it is a man or woman who is the dead or from his household And his kinship and brothers, or a prisoner of blood, a mujahid, or a traveler, and if she is in the mosque, then he is a famous man or woman who is killed or dies a famous death . If it is a palm tree, then he is a man of high masculinity with authority or knowledge, or a woman of a king, or the mother of a ruler, and if it is an olive tree, then a scholar, a preacher, a transient, a ruler, or a doctor, then in this way he crosses the rest of the trees according to the extent of their essence, benefit, harm, lineage, and character . And whoever saw that he planted a tree that was hung, he struck an honor or thought for himself a man according to its essence, because people say : So, if he planted it, if he made it . Likewise, if he sows a seed, then he hangs or does not, then it is they, and planting the vineyard will gain honor, and it was said that someone who saw in the winter a pregnant vine or a tree is considered a woman or a man whose money has gone, or he thinks they are rich .