A vision of God Almighty

The vision of God, may God be pleased with him, said Professor Abu Saad, may God be pleased with him : Whoever sees in his sleep as if he is standing in the hands of God Almighty, and God Almighty looks at him, and if the visionary is one of the righteous, then his vision is a vision of mercy, and if he is not one of the righteous, then he must be careful, because God Almighty says : ( On the day people will rise to the Lord of the worlds ). If he sees as if he is speaking to him, be kind to him, and love to the people, God Almighty says : (And bring him close in flight ). Likewise, if he saw that he was prostrating in the hands of God Almighty, because God Almighty said : “ Prostrate and come close .” If he saw that he was speaking to him from behind a veil, then he would be good in his religion and would perform a trust if it was in his hand, and would strengthen his authority . And if he saw that he was speaking to him without a veil, then it would be a mistake in his religion, because God Almighty said : ( And no human being could speak to him without a revelation or from behind a veil ) , then if he saw him with his heart great, as if He glorified Him, He brought Him close to Him, honored Him and forgave Him, or He did not count Him Attribute, met God Almighty in the Resurrection . Likewise, if the Almighty sees Him, He has promised him forgiveness and mercy, the promise is unquestionably true, because God Almighty does not break the deadline, but afflicts him with calamity in himself, and his livelihood as long as he is alive . If the Almighty sees him as if he were exhorting him, he has finished with what God Almighty does not consent to, because God Almighty says : “He exhorts you, so that you may remember .” If he was clothed with a garment, then he is the worry and sickness of what he lived, but he deserves much thanks . It was narrated that some people saw as if God had clothed him in two garments, so he put them on his place, and he asked Ibn Sirin, and he said, prepare for his calamity, and it was not long after that he lashed out until he met God Almighty, and if he saw a light in him, he was not able to describe him, he did not benefit from his hands what he lived . If he saw that God Almighty called him by his name or another name . His command is high and he conquers his enemies, and if he gives him some of the goods of this world, he is rather deserving of his mercy . If he sees that God Almighty is angry with him, that indicates the indignation of his parents towards him. If he sees as if his parents are angry with him, this indicates that God is angry with him . For Ezz said his name is ~ Thank me and your parents .~ And it was narrated in some news, the pleasure of God Almighty the satisfaction of parents, and the wrath of God Almighty in the wrath of parents . And it was said : Whoever sees as if God Almighty is angry with him, then he will fall from a high place . Because God Almighty says : ( And whoever permits anger against him, he will lose his whim ). If he saw as if he fell from a wall, sky or mountain, that indicates the wrath of God Almighty on him . If he sees himself in the hands of God Almighty, in a place he knows, justice and fertility will spread in that spot, and its oppressors perish and the oppressed are victorious . If he saw as if he was looking at the throne of God, the Blessed and Exalted be He, he would have grace and mercy . If he sees an example or an image, and he is told that he is your god, or he thinks that he is his god, glory be to him, then he worshiped him and worshiped him, then he is engaged in falsehood, on the understanding that it is true, and this is a vision of someone who lies to God Almighty . If he sees as if he insults God Almighty, then he is an unbeliever of the grace of his Lord, the Exalted, and is not satisfied with his judgment .