
The khan : the man’s hotel, indicating what his house indicates in terms of his body, his glory, his name, his memory, his bath, his furnace and his judiciary council . As for the unknown ones, it indicates travel, because it is their home . And perhaps he indicated the house of the world, because it is a travel house from which some people leave and others descend . And perhaps he indicated the collection because it is the home of someone who travels from his home and goes out of his homeland to another country, while he was away, until he leaves it with his companions and his companions . Whoever sees as if he has entered an unknown hotel, will die if he was sick or traveled if it is correct, or moved from place to place . As for the one who went out from a hotel to a hotel and rode an animal when he left, or he got out from the middle of it, I looked at his condition, and if he was sick he went out on his own, and if he was on a journey he moved on and traveled on his behalf, and likewise if he saw a companion coming down in an unknown hotel as riders or they got out of it as well , It is an epidemic of people or comrades, as mentioned above . Or he goes out with a difference between the two matters of companionship and their conditions in wakefulness, and because of them, their known, their unknown, their righteousness and their boats .