
The loss of the earth : the disappearance of blessings and the reversal of conditions, and absence on the earth without digging, the length of estrangement in seeking the world, or death in seeking the world . If he is absent in a pit where there is no outlet, then he is guilty of something as much as that . And from his word the earth with words of rebuke, let him fear God, for it is forbidden money . And whoever sees that he is standing in a place and breaks it up, and if he is a ruler, then the world will turn against him, and the friend becomes his enemy and his happiness is a miscarriage , because God Almighty says : “ So we have lost us with him and his earthly house. ” If he sees a camp or a land that is folded over the people, then there is death, or he said and is said to perish There are people in it as much as those who are wrapped up in them, or they are affected by distress and aridity, or distress . If what is folded for him alone, then it is his narrow life and affairs . If he sees that it was spread for him or spread for him, then he is for the length of his life and is good for him .