the toilet

A bathroom is in a dream an honest messenger, a sincere friend, and an envious lover . Perhaps it indicates the protected wives who keep secrets . Pigeons may refer to pigeons, which are death . And it indicates a woman with children, or a man with many children, who is receptive to the people of his household . And the vision of the pigeons indicates the cries . The domestic dove is a good Arab woman, and her eggs are girls or neighbors, her tower is a compound of women, and her chicks are sons . The roar of the dove is blaming a man for a woman, and the white is a religion, the green is pious, the black is a pillow, and the white is a mixture . And if his pigeon has turned away and does not return to him, he will divorce his wife or she will die . And if he has flying doves, then he has women and maidservants who he does not spend on, so if he clears a wing from his home . And the dove is an Arab maid, and on the authority of Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, that she is news that comes from afar . And the dove is a beloved woman who is free or a slave . And whoever saw that he had slaughtered a pigeon would marry a maid virgin . And one dove is born from a maid . And whoever saw that he ate of her flesh was an indulgence . And doves with their chicks captivity with their children . And whoever sees that he hunts pigeons, he will get money from honorable men . And it was said : Whoever sees a pigeon, he does not ask God Almighty for anything but He gives it . If he sees that there is a dove in his house, and the seeker is single, then he will marry a beautiful and friendly woman . And the housewife is in agreement with her husband . If he sees that he is a pigeon and stands on him or flies with him in flight, then he will receive pleasure or joy, goodness and grace . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has become a dove eating the money of his enemies, and the dove indicates the urgent news and the book, because it transmits the news in a book, and it is good news for someone who is in distress, or his absentee if a plane comes to him, unless he is sick and falls on him, for it is the dove of death, and not Especially if it was from the dove and shouted at his head . Perhaps the dove was a seed . And the best green pigeons . Whoever sees a deficiency in Ain Hamama, it is a deficiency in the religion and morals of his wife . And whoever sees that he is throwing a dove, he slanders a woman or textes her with bad words . And whoever sees that he has struck from the eggs of pigeons, it will afflict women and children with money . And whoever sees that he catches a domestic pigeon, he will catch a woman who is forbidden . And whoever sees that he is feeding a pigeon, he speaks a woman and teaches it to her . And whoever sees a dove or a bird on his head, or on his shoulder, or tied to his neck, this indicates his action between himself and his Creator . If the bird was black and ugly to look, this indicates the acceptance of his work and the corruption of his religion . If it was white in color, it looked good, that indicated his good work and his righteousness . And whoever sees that he has struck from the feathers of pigeons or their flesh, he will suffer a lot of money and good . See also Lunar .