
Iron is in a dream money and strength for the one who sees it in his hand, and strength from a dimension of weakness if he takes it . Whoever sees that he eats iron, he will win wherever he is . If he eats it with the bread, it will be easy and he will be able to live with difficulty . If chewing his teeth, it is backbiting and harm . And whoever sees that he has hit iron, lead, or zero, then he will be hit with better than worldly goods, and strength to do what he wants . And whoever sees iron, because he has it, it will strike a king and a great wealth . And whoever sees that he has cast iron, he will do a work that he can do . And whoever sees that he melt iron, he will fall into the tongues of people and backbite him . What is made of iron is a benefit to man and his power, so the advent, the spade, the ax and the like are a servant of the person or a hired one for him, so what was seen in it of goodness or corruption that belongs to him and review his interpretation to him . And whoever possesses iron in a dream will gain a tired life because of the hardship involved in extracting it from its assets . The iron is nothing wrong with the strength of the verse : ( and iron down the very considerable benefits to people ) , and benefits are luggage, pots and things that benefit the people, and bass softening iron in his hand and take him what he wants, if willing , took an ax or a sword or a knife or other . Seeing iron indicates evils, insults, and preventing action. Perhaps his vision indicates easing the difficult, or the bad man who does the work of the people of Hell .