Torrent – torrents

Torrent : its entry into the city indicates an epidemic, if the people are in some of it, or its color is the color of blood or brownness . And it may indicate that he entered a military army in safety or company, if he did not have wealth and the people were not in fear of him, so if he demolished some of their houses and passed their money and livestock, then it is an enemy who jealous over them or a power that tries against them, to the extent of increasing the vision and the evidence of vigilance . Some of them said the enemy’s attack is torrential, and the enemy attack is torrent . If the torrent ascends the stores, then it is a flood or soldiers of an unjust ruler that attacked, and the torrent is a dominated enemy, and if he sees that the gutters are flowing without rain, then that is blood that is shed in that town or locality . If he sees that it flowed from rain and poured out its water, then these concerns are evident from the people of that place, and the fertility of a state is equal to the gutters, and if the gutters are not erected, then it is below that . If the gutter is focused on a person, he will be tormented . If the torrential path leads to the river, then the king is an enemy of him, and he seeks help from a man who escapes from his evil . And whoever thinks that he has drunk the torrent from his home, he will treat an enemy and prevent him from harm to his family or his death . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw the surprises flowing without rain, and I saw people taking from him, so Ibn Sirin said : Do not take from him . The men said : I did not do and I did not take anything from him, so he said : You have done well, and it was only a short time until the trial of Ibn Al-Muhallab .