The clouds

As-Sahab : denotes Islam which is the life and salvation of people, and it is the reason for the mercy of God Almighty for carrying the water in which the life of creation, and perhaps indicating knowledge, jurisprudence, wisdom and explanation, because it contains the gentle wisdom as it runs with a grain of water in the air, and when water is squeezed out of it . Perhaps it indicated soldiers and comrades, for carrying water that indicates creation from water . Perhaps it indicated the coming camels that sprouted with water, such as food and linen, when it was said that they point to clouds, because God Almighty said : “ Do they not look at the camels, how they were created ”. Perhaps she indicated ships running in water in other than land or sky, carrying a runningwind with winds, and she may refer to a woman who is pregnant, because they both carry water and bring it in their stomachs, unless her Lord permits her to take it out and throw it, and perhaps she indicates the rain itself, because it is from her and because of her, and perhaps It indicated the symptoms of the Sultan, his torment, and his commands, and if they were black or with them there was evidence of torment, when there were thunderbolts and stones in it, along with what was descended by the people of darkness when they considered them as raining them and brought them to torment, and similarly to the people of Hell, whoever sees clouds in his house Or descended on him in his lap as a Muslim if he was an unbeliever, and he obtained a knowledge and a ruling if he was a believer, or he carried his wife if he wanted to do so, or offered his camel and his ship if he had any of that . If he sees himself riding on the clouds, or he sees her as a slave girl, he marries a righteous woman if he is celibate, or travels or Hajj if he hopes so, or else he announces knowledge and wisdom if he is seeking, otherwise he is led by a soldier or a company, or he comes in company if he is qualified for that. Otherwise, the Sultan raised him on an honorable animal if he was one of those who sought refuge in him and was on foot, or else he would send him to Naguib as a messenger . And if he sees successive clouds coming next to him, and people are therefore waiting for its waters, and it is from the clouds of the sky that does not contain any signs of torment, then present that aspect what people expect, and what they expect of the good that is offered, or company that comes, or soldiers return, or convoys that enter . And if he saw it fell to the ground, or it was descended on houses, in acres, or on trees and plants, then it is torrential rains, locusts, a cat, or a bird . And if there is any sign of worry and hate in it, such as poisons, strong winds, fire, stones, snakes and scorpions, then it is a raid that changes them and knocks them in their place, or a caravan that interferes with the death of most of them who died in their felony, or a fond and an abscess imposed by the Sultan on them, or locusts and a bear that harms their plants And their coexistence, or doctrines and heresies spread among their tops and announce them on their heads, and some of them said that the clouds are a merciful king or a compassionate power, so whoever mixes clouds, he mixes with men among them, and whoever eats clouds, he benefits from a man with permissible money or wisdom . And if his combination obtained wisdom from a man like him, then his king obtained wisdom and a king, and if he saw that his weapon was of torture, then he is a man in need . If he sees that he is building a house on clouds, then he will attain an honorable, lawful world with wisdom and elevation . If he builds a palace on clouds, he avoids sins with a wisdom that benefits them and obtains good things that he knows . If he sees clouds raining in his hand, then he attains wisdom and runs wisdom on his hand . If he saw that he was turning clouds raining down on people, he would get money and people got from it . And the clouds if there is no rain in it, and if he is one of those who are attributed to the state, then by God he does not do justice and does not make justice, and if he is attributed to trade, he does not fulfill what follows or what is guaranteed . If attributed to a scientist, he is skeptical of his work . If he is a craftsman, then he is a wise master of industry, and people need him . And clouds are sultans that have a hand over people, and people have no hand over them . And if a cloud with thunder and lightning rises, it is the appearance of a majestic ruler threatening the truth . And whoever sees clouds descending from the sky and rains a general rain, then the imam penetrates to that place as a fair imam in them, whether the clouds are white or black, and as for the red clouds at other times, it is distress, sedition, or disease . Some of them said, “Whoever saw clouds that rose from the earth to the sky while I remained a country, then it indicates goodness and blessing, and if the visionary wants a journey, it is done for him and he returns safely, and if he is not concealed, he reaches for what is seeking evil, and some of them said that the clouds that rise from the earth” To heaven, it indicates travel, and it indicates who was returning from his journey . And a dark cloud indicates gloom, and black clouds indicate severe cold or sadness .