
If you wandered in a dream in a palace or admired its luxury, this foretells of increasing your capabilities and good reputation, and you will receive a prestigious position . If you see and hear beautiful men and women talking and dancing in a palace, this foretells of being consumed by a new useful and happy company . If an average girl dreams that she participated in a party with people of her class in a palace, this foretells that she is about to marry and that relatives will be generous and kind to her . For a girl who comes from a humble environment, this dream is confusing and does not carry a clear meaning, as her frivolous, lazy mind is stuffed with frivolous daydreams, and when she saw this dream, she should start serious honest work and curb her deceptive ambitions by resorting to the advice of mother and friends . If you dream that you are in a palace with a room inhabited by ghosts, this foretells that your coming days will bring you misfortune and disappointment . If you dream that you are in a big palace, this predicts success in your coming days and wealth . If you dream of a mansion that you see from a distance, this foretells of successes in your future .