The funeral

The funeral is the one who sees in a dream that he prays on a funeral, then he frustrates people in God Almighty and it was said : The funeral is a hypocritical man, bad people perish at his hand . If he sees that it is placed on the coffin and no one is carrying it, then he is imprisoned, and if it is carried, he follows the owner of the authority, gets money from him, and benefits from it . If he follows a funeral, he follows a corrupt authority . And whoever sees that he is on a coffin, his money will increase . And whoever sees that he is carried on the shoulders of men, so he strikes his highness and authority, conquers people, and controls them, and if they cry over him, his consequence is commendable, and if they do not weep over him and blame him, the consequence of his affair is not commendable . And if they pray for him with good and praise him well, then his punishment is praised . If he sees that he is on a funeral going on the ground, then he is riding in a ship, and if he sees a funeral going in the air, then a ruler or a scholar dies, or a great man dies in estrangement or on the road to Hajj or jihad . If a person sees many funerals placed in a place, then his family abounds in fornication and fornication . And whoever saw that he was carrying a funeral, he would have unlawful money . If a woman sees that she has died and is pregnant, then she is getting married, and if she has a husband, her debt has been ransomed. If he sees a funeral in the market, then the baggage there is hypocrisy . Carrying over the coffin in a dream is based on its destiny, or traveling on land or sea . And whoever sees that he is attending a funeral, it indicates a farewell to the traveler, or the seeker in the comfort of himself by the one who guides the deceased to him, for the funeral mourner gets one carat of the reward, and if he attends its burial, two carats will be counted, and only God Almighty does not count the size of the carat and its greatness .