What about seeing the dead, does this have a practical explanation, and can the spirits of the living and the souls of the dead converge?

What about seeing the dead, does this have a practical explanation, and can the spirits of the living and the souls of the dead converge? A : The scholars have proven this type of vision, and some of them considered it a kind of a righteous or correct vision. Ibn al-Qayyim said (Al- Ruwah _ p. 63) The correct vision has sections : One of them is : an inspiration that God, glory be to Him, casts into the heart of a servant, and among them : the encounter of the sleeper’s soul with the souls of the dead from his family And his relatives, companions and others, including : the ascension of his soul to God, glory be to Him, and her speech to Him, including : His soul entering Paradise and witnessing it, and so on. The meeting of living and dead spirits is one of the types of true visions that people have of the same kind of sensual ones . Proof of this verse : ( God die selves when her death and that have not been in her dream by examining that spent by the death and sent the other to indefinitely in that are signs for those who reflect ..) [ cliques : 42] This is the meaning of the verse, that God ends The lives of the servants by taking their souls at the end of their life (and the one who did not die in her sleep ) i.e. the time of sleep keeps it from acting as if it were a seized thing, so the one who was sentenced to death while sleeping takes it while sleeping, and he sends the other that was not sentenced to death, so its owner lives until the end of his life . Ibn Abbas and other commentators said : The souls of the living and the dead meet in a dream, so they get acquainted with what God wills of them. If all of them want to return to the bodies, God seized the souls of the dead with Him and sends souls to their bodies . ( Abu Bakr Al-Jazaery – p. 1124) So real death is called a major death, and a sleep death is called a minor death, and the Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, when he woke up from his sleep would say : ( Praise be to God, who sometimes after he killed us and to him is resurrection ) , so he called sleep death . And he witnessed this from the Sunnah, I mean, soul holding what the two sheikhs made from the hadith of supplication before going to sleep. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : (( If one of you goes to his bed, let him shake off his bed inside his veil, then he does not know what he left him behind, then he says : In your name my Lord I placed my side and with you I raise it if I held myself, so have mercy on her, and if I send her, I will preserve it with what you preserve your righteous servants )). And the witness in capturing the soul in a dream and sending it, and because something is mentioned, he was one of those who was famous for obedience, prayer, fasting and charity always complaining about his lack of vision of his deceased father, with his great reputation for seeing the dead and their conditions, and many of those close to him were asked about their dead, and he was astonished at not seeing him To his father, and one time I met him with joy, rapturous and happy, and say what good qualities you want about his condition, and before I ask him about his happiness, he rushed me as if he revealed my question by saying, I saw my father yesterday, I saw my father yesterday, and he told me his visions, so I said to him : Good, I saw evil cuvette God willing, thank God this vision is better for you, and may God benefit your father God Verwah to your status, so Nhspk God Hsepk we do not recommend to the one God, ( it was agreed the Sunnis that the dead benefit from seeking neighborhoods, Bdaaihm and Astgfaarham them, charity, fasting , and reading Koran and other works, this chapter speak in explaining the doctrine Tahhaawi mark Ibn Abi Ezz Hanafi p . 115 et seq . ) wept much Hamad God and ask forgiveness, has proved that the souls of the dead in varying Mstqrha in the isthmus greatest disparity, the mismatch : the lives of the highest Illiyun spirits Alonbea A, including : spirits in the crops of green birds like some of the martyrs, and some of them are imprisoned at the gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in their graves, and some of them are the headquarters of the Gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in the earth whose soul has not risen to the Most High, and in the Book of the Spirit Ibn al-Qayyim took care of such investigations