…It is rare for him to narrate that a man came to a sea to drink from it, and an animal appeared to him that was reluctant to him, then he saw that he had become an animal and descended that sea, and everyone who came to drink from it took water to him. He is entrusted with him and he is in himself like an animal body, then there are reasons that lead to your arrival to that king in the place of the man, and he will gain benefit for people in you, so for a little, the vision came out as you crossed, and he called the crossing and informed him of that and was better to him ….

…And whoever sees that he is breastfeeding from an animal, then it is money and benefit, and Al-Kirmani said, the vision of breastfeeding is the occurrence of money, and if it is from a person or animal whose meat is not eaten, then it is forbidden, and if it is from an animal whose meat is eaten, then it is permissible money, and it was said that the mother is one of compassion ….

…And it was said that whoever saw something of the animal eating from its hay, then whoever attributed that animal to him eats of its money and the crossing needs to cross the food if it is for a benefit, then there is nothing wrong with it and the money is spent on the one who is entitled to it, and if it is for no benefit, then it is a lack of money to the extent that it was eaten from it ….

…And whoever sees something of a wild animal caught while cuffed, then he is interpreted as to what that animal is attributed to him ….

…The bowels of an animal in a dream indicate an imminent disease and danger approaching you . If you eat the cooked guts of an animal, this indicates that you will be disappointed about an important problem ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said : If a wild animal is domesticated it indicates good and benefit, and a human animal, if it becomes lonely, indicates evil, and the many beasts are devoted to the owners of the villages and the restraints ….

Animal skin If you dream about animal skin, this means profit and continuous work ….

…And whoever sees that he hunted a wild animal while he obeyed him, then he indicates his association with a man from the people of the desert, and his position is equal to the value of that animal ….

…And whoever sees that he is a substitute for the Sultan on an animal, he will strive hard for the Sultan or be a successor from him, and if the animal is walking, he will be stronger in his right ….

…A stray animal In a dream, you see a stray animal indicating difficulties at the level of the family and a depression in trade ….

…And whoever sees an animal sweat, it is interpreted in two ways: fatigue and hardship, money and benefit ….

…And whoever sees that he accepts something from the animal, he tends to love the one who has no humanity in it ….

…And whoever thinks that he has created something out of an animal, it has two different sides and a child, and the expression in that is what is liked or disliked ….

…And whoever sees that he prays on an animal, he will get them ….

…And it was said that the marriage of the unknown animal was victorious with the enemies, and it is known that it is a known prostration with other than his family, and the marriage of the seven is a victory over the enemies and he is able to have authority, and if the seven marries him, there is no good in it ….

…And whoever thinks that something of an animal is pregnant, then it is good and beneficial, especially if its kind is loved ….

…And whoever sees that something of the animal is marrying him, then it indicates that his voice is greater than his ability ….

…And whoever thinks that an animal defecates, and if it is something that is desirable, then he has children born to horses, so what is feminine indicates the girl, and what is masculine indicates the boy ….

…And whoever sees that something of the animal has died and knows its kind, then it is expressed in accordance with the origins of the expression in it, for example, if the seven or the elephant is interpreted by the authority, and it was said that the elephant is interpreted by a huge stoning, and the cat and the mouse by the thief and is measured accordingly, and perhaps the females of all were women and the males were men and needed in that To look and contemplate, and if we clarify the meaning of each one on their own, the explanation would be long ….

…And whoever saw on the vagina of a well-known woman an animal that was licked or sucked or circled around it, it indicates that she is immoral and there is no good in her, and if she is unknown, then it is not praiseworthy for the seeker, and it was said that a world hovers over her who has no mind ….

…And whoever sees that he is being served to a wild animal, then he serves ignorant people ….

…And whoever sees that something of an animal bites him, whether it is marine, wild or bird, is not praiseworthy ….

…And whoever sees that any of the animal is placed from his belongings, then he tears it, there is no good in it ….

…And it was said that whoever saw that he was calling, or he saw someone calling on the back of an animal, then it was a journey ….

…And whoever sees that something of the animal has died while he was lying, if it was with a canine or a claw, then it indicates the victory of the enemies, especially if its type is harmful, the nail is more pronounced, and it may indicate security and safety ….

…Whoever sees that he tied an animal, and if he is one of those who require it to be tied, then it is the equivalent of the beast, otherwise he will ask for what is required ….

…Al-Kirmani said, ~All animal skins are money. If someone sees a camel’s skin, then it is money from an inheritance point, and whatever skin may be eaten, it is permissible money, and what is not eaten is forbidden money .~…

…If he saw as if he had shocked him in his path, he would contradict him . If he is a companion on an animal, he will succeed him in his life or after his death ….

…And whoever sees that he is milking milk from an animal and blood comes out from the place of the milking, then it is interpreted in contradiction to the king, and if he who sees milk stems from the ground, then it is interpreted unjustly to the people of that place ….

…And water animal meat interpretation is understood from its chapter ….