See getting married

Seeing marriage . As for marriage, whoever sees that he married a woman and has a wife, he will have authority and is as good as the woman’s beauty if he inspects her or knows her, and if he did not know her and did not inspect her or was named to him while she was unknown, this indicates his death or the death of a person at his hands, as well as if he saw a groom and did not see his wife or He knew her and whoever saw that he married the wife of his sheikh or his brother, then he would do much good, and likewise the woman would see her marriage of this kind. If he does not enter it or deceive her, and if he is victorious in that matter, it is not fixed, and some of them said seeing marriage indicates wealth and affliction with wealth and whoever saw that a woman married another husband, it is in three ways if she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter or She is seeking to marry her or to fall between her and her husband, and whoever sees that he married a woman and deceived her, it indicates honor and the acquisition of property that he did not own, and if a woman sees that she is married heading to a husband while she is adorned and what she has reached, then it indicates that there is a benefit and pleasure for her as much as her adornment to her husband and her deceit. It indicates a benefit and pleasure for her b The extent of its adornment and whoever sees that he married something of an animal indicates that he is marrying a woman who is related to that animal